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Study: 10% of teens with STDs claim they're virgins

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A new study on teenage sexuality has uncovered shocking news: kids lie, especially about stuff that could get them in trouble. Among teenagers who test positive for STDs, more than ten percent claim not to have been sexually active in the past year, while almost that many say they're virgins. 

For the doctors who conducted the study, the take-away is that all kids — even the ones who claim they're virgins — should be tested for STDs. For the rest of us, the take-away might be another reason to doubt abstinence-only education. If kids could talk openly about sex, they'd be less likely to lie. And to spread STDs to other kids they've lied to. 

For those of us hoping to have sex with teenagers, the take-away is.... never mind. 

Comments ( 6 )

They could very well have gotten an STD from oral or anal sex and still consider themselves "virgins." Virginity is a pretty unclear term--blame our language and culture, because a lot of them might not be lying.

v commented on Jan 03 11 at 5:43 pm

I never met a virgin I didn't like.

Twolane commented on Jan 03 11 at 8:09 pm

You don't always have to have sex to get an std. I learned that when I got one, 7 yrs ago.

Jessica commented on Jan 03 11 at 10:13 pm

People who have oral or anal and still call themselves virgins are FUCKING IDIOTS. If you suck some guy's cock or take it up the ass, you are NOT A VIRGIN. Dan Savage would have a field day with those people.

Drew commented on Jan 03 11 at 10:36 pm

that's a little dramatic, don't you think, Drew? there are no hard and fast rules about what is and isn't "sex." why is oral sex sex, but not a hand job? is intercrural sex? is masturbation? is intercourse-free s&m sex? just because you have one definition that others don't doesn't make you right. also good job assuming that oral sex only happens to men.

and oh yeah, they might even be counting herpes simplex-1 as an STD, which you usually get through kissing. you can also get blood-bourne pathogens typically called STDs (hepatitis and HIV) from piercings, tattoos and drug use. you could even give someone a hand job or have mutual masturbation and then have semen come in contact with a small cut. seriously, having an STD doesn't mean you're not a "virgin."

nope commented on Jan 04 11 at 2:02 am

Drew never said oral sex only happens to men, @nope.

Jellyroll Jones commented on Jan 04 11 at 12:05 pm

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