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Study finds that homophobic people are kinda gay

You have to love when scientific studies come along and help confirm what everyone should already know. This week, science has helped prove that yes, homophobic people are probably gay. A new study based on research in the U.S. and the U.K. has found people who fear homosexuality are more likely to have experienced attraction to someone of the same gender. 

The study was based on a sample of about 640 college students. How do you accurately measure homophobia, you ask? No, it's not just how much you call stupid things "gay," or watch Entourage. An article on the study from UPI explains:

Students were shown words and pictures on a computer screen and asked to put these in "gay" or "straight" categories. Before each of the 50 trials, participants were subliminally primed with either the word "me" or "others" flashed on the screen for 35 milliseconds. They were then shown the words "gay," "straight," "homosexual," and "heterosexual" as well as pictures of straight and gay couples, and the computer tracked precisely their response times.

It's interesting to see how prejudice is being defined here as identifying someone as "other." I think that's an accurate description, though it is possible not to identify as gay because you're in denial, not just bigoted. But let's say "othering" someone measures potential homophobia — how did researchers measure how much you're repressing gay desires? Oh please please let it involve showing gay porn to frat boys. 

A second experiment — in which subjects were free to browse same-sex or opposite-sex photos — provided an additional measure of implicit sexual attraction.

Via a series of questionnaires, participants reported on the type of parenting they experienced growing up, from authoritarian to democratic.

Finally, the researcher measured participants' level of homophobia — both overt, as expressed in questionnaires on social policy and beliefs, and implicit, as revealed in word-completion tasks.

The findings suggested that participants who measured as more fearful of gay people were also more likely to be attracted to them. Also unsurprising was a correlation found between homophobia and students raised by authoritarian-style parents. 

The study's lead author Netta Weinstein breaks it down, in case you still don't see the connection. "Individuals who identify as straight but in psychological tests show a strong attraction to the same sex may be threatened by gays and lesbians because homosexuals remind them of similar tendencies within themselves." Now if someone could please let Chris Brown know so he can stop being so angry all the time. 

Commentarium (9 Comments)

Apr 09 12 - 6:25pm

This doesn't, of course, surprise anyone. I often think that the reason so many conservatives are closet gays is same reason that SO MANY gay guys are closet conservatives. I know so many gay men who are only liberal because conservatives are homophobic. Even people like Dan Savage: when it comes to almost anything except gay rights, he's as narrow-minded and judgmental as Rick Santorum.

Apr 09 12 - 10:56pm

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'm curious. On what issues is Dan Savage conservative? Most of his political rants seem supremely liberal to me, but I guess he mostly focuses on gay rights. He's pretty liberal on contraception and abortion, too.

Apr 10 12 - 9:08am

Certainly explains Santorum.

Apr 10 12 - 10:19am

Wasn't this done years ago with a device measuring erections? Homophobic men sure do like gay porn.

Apr 10 12 - 1:56pm

*cough* Marcus Bachmann *cough* *cough*

Apr 10 12 - 7:12pm

Yawn! Liberals have just gotten SOooo boring with their whole Gay obsession.
Don't you people have ANY other interest or intellectual pursuits other than how sex organs fit together?
I really like how you swallow studies like this as if the have any real validity. This stuff is just pseudo science.

Apr 11 12 - 12:41am

It's probably a little like Republicans being gullible enough to believe everything they're told:

• Upper income tax cuts creating millions of new jobs
• Lowering tax rates resulting in rising tax revenue
• The Bush energy plan lowering the price of gas
• Energy deregulation lowering the price of electricity
• WMD in Iraq
• "Trickle down" supply-side economics benefiting the lower income classes
• Being greeted like liberators in Iraq with flowers and chocolate

Actually, this study is more sound than virtually ANYTHING the average conservative believes without hesitation.

Apr 11 12 - 1:47am

The fuck do you think this is, CNN? Hooksexup is a sex and dating site. If that makes you unhappy you are welcome to leave.

Apr 11 12 - 9:40am

Do I have any other interests besides marriage equality for all consenting adult couples? Yes, yes I do. I have an interest in having the people who used the regulatory system of the United States to get rich pay their fair share of taxes. I have an interest in having government provide basic health care to everyone and to acknowledge that basic health care is a human right in the 21st Century. I have an interest in stopping our citizens from being killed in Iraq and Afghanistan for no apparent purpose. I have an interest in preventing corporations from corrupting the political process with money. I have an interest in ensuring that women retain the right to control their bodies and to choose whether and how to become and remain pregnant. I have an interest in stimulating the economy with government investment in infrastructure to be paid for by increased taxes on the very rich (who benefit the most from such infrastructure). I have an interest in stopping global warming by reducing carbon emissions and by forcing polluters to pay the actual costs of their pollution activities. There's a lot more, but I'll only add right now that I also have an interest in stopping ignorance and bigotry as a general matter, things that the Republican party relies on to elect its candidates for office.

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