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Uganda homosexual attacks

Uganda's Forum for Democratic Change party has hit upon a novel, unlikely and altogether silly idea for its campaign platform: encourage married men to starve their wives of sex if they don't agree to vote for the FDC.

This "sex strike" is a reversal of previous campaigns in the region, which usually see women depriving men who wage war of the sex they are probably already deprived of. The good news in this case is that the FDC is apparently running against those asswipes who wanted to have gay people outed in newspapers and then executed by the state.

Remember this? 

Uganda's ethics minister, James Nsaba Buturo, said the death sentence clause would probably be reviewed but maintained the law was necessary to counter foreign influence. He said homosexuality "is not natural in Uganda," a view echoed by some Ugandans.

"I feel that the bill is good and necessary, but I don't think gays should be killed. They should be imprisoned for about a year and warned never to do it again. The family is in danger in Uganda because the rate at which vice is spreading is appalling," said shopkeeper John Muwanguzi. [MSNBC]

So, yeah, whatever takes down Uganda's ruling party. Sex strike all the way!

Comment ( 1 )

If only it were that simple.

Twolane commented on Dec 02 10 at 10:41 pm

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