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Aaron Sorkin might write the Steve Jobs biopic

Call it There Will Be Dialogue. Lots and lots and lots of clever dialogue: Oscar-winning screenwriter Aaron Sorkin (The Social Network, The West Wing) is "strongly considering" penning an upcoming Steve Jobs biopic, E! Online reports. While speaking at the P.S. Arts Express Yourself 2011 event, Sorkin disclosed that Sony asked him to write the screenplay for the film, which will be adapted from Walter Isaacson's biography. "Right now I'm just in the thinking-about it stages," Sorkin said. "It's a really big movie and it's going to be a great movie no matter who writes it."

As one of the most successful screenwriters of all time, Sorkin seems like a natural choice to write the movie about one of the most successful tech moguls of all time. But the question remains: who will play Jobs? The latest rumors point to Noah Wyle (who played Jobs in the 1999 TV film Pirates of Silicon Valley) and George Clooney, but considering how both of these actors bear only a passing resemblance to Jobs, these claims seem a bit dubious. Whoever Sony ends up casting, however, one thing is certain: on the big screen, the scene where Jobs debuts the 1984 Apple Macintosh will be so. Effing. Awesome. 

Commentarium (5 Comments)

Nov 23 11 - 4:26am

I've heard Mark Strong's name thrown out there. Tall, menacing, barrel-chested, and devastatingly handsome aren't descriptors I usually associate with Steve Jobs, though.

Nov 23 11 - 10:31am

Ed Norton could probably pull this off.

Nov 24 11 - 5:32pm

Harrison Ford, hands down.

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