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No confirmation yet, but The Hollywood Reporter reports that Sandler is almost locked in to play Andy Samberg's father in I Hate You Dad. The film will be produced by Sandler's production company Happy Madison — and if you know what they are referencing, you can feel old now. According to THR,

The story centers on a father who moves in on the eve of his son's wedding and promptly begins feuding with the bride-to-be. Sandler would play the dad, with Samberg as the son, even though less than twelve years separate the two in real life.

The relatively small age difference is a bit weird at first mention, but Sandler can play older — and generally looks older — than his years. And lest we forget all the hot screen moms  who are in the same general age range as their onscreen sons. (Did you believe that Gretchen Mol was Michael Pitt's mother in Boardwalk Empire? Really?)

Commentarium (1 Comment)

Jan 17 11 - 12:16am

Laurence Olivier cast an actress too young to be his mother in Hamlet; Sean Connery wasn't all that much older than Harrison Ford for Indiana Jones 3, and there are heaps of other instances, so this isn't an exactly earth shattering news.

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