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Peggy Olson at a beatnik party.

Peggy Olson may not have ended up being a lesbian, but Mad Men perverts fans will still get to see Elisabeth Moss play one anyway. She and Keira Knightley will be portraying "headmistresses whose lives will be destroyed when a pupil accuses the two of being lesbians."

I imagine that fans of lesbian melodrama will be rooting against this pupil. Oh, and they'll also be planning their travel and accommodations starting now, because this racy plot belongs to a London revival of a play called The Children's Hour. You didn't think it'd be that easy, did you?

Commentarium (4 Comments)

Oct 25 10 - 1:15pm

Ohhh I love gay drama set in the past. You just can't get it anymore without somebody saying we live in the 21st century and we have the law on our side! But back in the day...yeah, much more interesting watching characters deal.

Oct 25 10 - 3:10pm

Yeah, yeah, but will we get to see them naked? Together?

Oct 25 10 - 3:44pm

The play never explicitly says/shows that they are lesbians, its left up for interpretation

Oct 25 10 - 4:05pm

The movie with Shirley Maclaine ans Audrey Hepburn was very good.

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