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The King's Speech was filmed on a gay porn set

If you've seen The King's Speech, you surely remember speech therapist Lionel Logue's office, the dingy quarters where he and King Colin Firth bro'd down. Thanks to one site's long memory, we now know that the set has already seen its share of, well, bro-downs — the King's Speech set used to be a gay-porn set. 

QueerClick, a site dedicated to gay porn, found a number of images to corroborate their claim. Since their claim involves gay porn, the image above is pretty much the only one we can get away with showing you, but feel free to click through to see additional pictures of the shared movie set (and of so many penises). 

Commentarium (1 Comment)

Feb 23 11 - 12:19am

If this is News, then I've got some prime beachfront property in Arizona to sell you at very cheap rates.

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