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Sony Pictures has cut a shower-sex scene featuring Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie from the upcoming thriller The Tourist, apparently under pressure from Johnny Depp, himself apparently under pressure from Mrs. Depp, a.k.a. wife Vanessa Paradis. Inside sources report that Paradis didn't want Depp to make the movie with Jolie in the first place, perhaps having read our cautionary list of movies that broke up real-life couples. For the sake of the Depp-Paradis union, let's hope she never gets her hands on a DVD with the deleted scene. As an aside, this seemingly fluffy entertainment is director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck's follow-up to his much more serious 2006 film The Lives of Others, about East German secret police in the '80s. You could argue that that movie had a Hollywood streak too, but nothing about it was going to get it on the cover of Us Weekly. The Tourist comes out December 10th.

Commentarium (12 Comments)

Nov 08 10 - 6:23pm
just me

what about all the trust they're always speaking of? surprised he looks so fat I guess he must be happy lol

Nov 08 10 - 8:05pm

Johnny and Vanessa are not technically married. I think Johnny has a bit more scruples than to toss his relationship in the toilet for Angelina Jolie. Besides, the movie looks horrible and how could they make him look so bad?

Nov 08 10 - 8:10pm

haha very stupid rumor

Nov 08 10 - 8:12pm

i mean stupid cuz angelina wasnt jelaous about christina ricci and johnny has vert long freidnship with heer, never wouldnt be jelaous about this horrible woman first time angelina is very very horrible and looks very oldd :/ johnny never leave her cuz she's beautiful ^^ and jolie is ughh only internet rumors

Nov 08 10 - 9:08pm

Vale, please write more comments, your syntax is lovely and could break up Strunk and White.

Nov 08 10 - 10:28pm

Terrible acting from both of them, judging from the trailer. Maybe Paradis is trying to save him from bad reviews?

Nov 09 10 - 7:34am

the acting may be bad on their parts, doesn't mean the boning would be
i want that cut scene

Nov 09 10 - 8:25am

I love the end of The Lives of Others, with the book.

Nov 09 10 - 10:23am

"No, es ist fur mich."

Nov 20 10 - 6:57pm

I really don't see the attraction for Jolie. That woman has got to be the skinniest person I've ever seen. She's nothing but skin and bone, for heaven's sake. She has no muscularity; bones are protruding everywhere; her lips are over-injected. WTF is with that? You seldom get to see her in a shot that shows her entire body. I suspect that's because a body double is used for some of them.

Apr 13 11 - 7:52pm

God damn FISH getting all bent out of shape because her husband is an actor and expected to act...

He should have told her "Ok.. You figure out a way to make millions then." or slapped her and told her to shut the fuck up.

God damn women and their fucking hyperactive god damn emotions.

Oct 14 11 - 11:39pm

Ah, i see. Well that's not too trckiy at all!"

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