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Jennifer Westfeldt (Kissing Jessica Stein, Ira & Abby) is the writer, director, producer, and star of the new indie comedy, Friends with Kids. More conveniently, she's also the real-life partner of the real-life Don Draper, Jon Hamm, something that's helpful when casting your witty little (under $10 million) movie.

The film (which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival last September, and is slated for a March release date), revolves around two best friends (Westfeldt and Party Down's Adam Scott) who observe the toll parenthood is taking on couples they're friendly with, and decide to have a child together (platonically) while continuing to date others. (Usually code for "the two fall in love anyway.") The idea for the film came about after Westfeldt and Hamm noticed their friends starting families and "all but disappearing from their lives."

At first blush, the movie would appear to be a sequel to Bridesmaids, with Wiig and Hamm playing one couple, and Maya Rudolph and Chris O'Dowd another. Edward Burns and Megan Fox also star, but, sadly, there's no Melissa McCarthy to be seen. She and Jack Black could have made an entertainingly manic couple themselves.


Commentarium (2 Comments)

Jan 12 12 - 2:14pm

Hamm + Wiig = Miss Piggy.

Jan 12 12 - 2:35pm

I've been told doing the whole parent thing = dropping out of friends' lives only in the USA. In Europe they'll still get together, hit up a park with a bottle of wine, etc., kids in tow. They don't "rage" like they used to, duh, but they don't move to a suburb and spend all their nights in a single family detached home either.

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