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Earning over $288 million dollars worldwide, Bridesmaids was one of the biggest hits of the year both monetarily and culturally, with many critics wondering if the film would usher in a new age of female-driven comedy of the non-romantic kind. Now, what do you do if you're Universal and you own this amazingly hot property? If you didn't think "sequel" the moment you read the box office gross, you are clearly not cut out for a job as a studio executive. After all, The Hangover made a similar splash (minus the lady business) and its sequel, despite being terrible, raked in the big bucks.

There's just one problem: Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo, who co-wrote the film, have both expressed disinterest in a sequel. As Wiig quite plainly told The Hollywood Reporter, "Annie and I aren't planning a sequel. We are writing something else." I was going to play the "Surely Universal wouldn't be so dumb as to forge ahead with a sequel anyway" game, but let's be honest, we all know that's exactly what the studio is going to do:

"We are over the moon with the success of Bridesmaids, and if we do a sequel we want to get it right," a Universal rep tells THR. "We are talking to filmmakers now about concepts, and if the right one emerges, we'll move forward." The studio rep declines to elaborate on what elements it would deem essential -- whether, for example, original director Paul Feig would be involved -- but Universal is focused on McCarthy as a key player to get a sequel rolling.

While I'm glad that the people in charge recognize the brilliance of Melissa McCarthy, one great comic actress does not a solid project make. (Please see Mike and Molly, which stars McCarthy but is still not that good.) Not to mention the fact that some films — for instance, a film that centers around a once-in-a-lifetime event like a best friend's wedding — do not cry out for a second part! I don't trust the "only if we find the right concept/writer/director" line for a second, but I can only hope it will hold true and no one will trample all over the film's just-budding legacy.

Commentarium (1 Comment)

Jan 05 12 - 11:31am

They should call it "Bridesmaids II: The Overratedning"

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