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If someone were to ask me what movie star I thought never aged (and therefore must be a vampire), Nicolas Cage would not pop into my head. However, I am clearly wrong. Clearly, Cage is ageless, because clearly, Cage is a vampire. The rumor goes like this: an Ebay vendor recently put a Civil War-era portrait up for sale, and its uncanny resemblance to Nicolas Cage supposedly validates the theory. And so an internet craze was born. 

When I first heard the rumor, I was skeptical — I was on Cage's side, denying the preposterous assertion. Given that my understanding of the vampire kingdom is firmly rooted in True Blood, where being a vampire means being preternaturally sexy and fetishized (and also, unfortunately, means harboring inexplicable lust for Anna Paquin), the notion of Cage's vampirism seemed an affront.

But when Cage appeared on the Late Show with David Letterman (note that he chose the dark of the LATE Show over, say, the TODAY Show or GOOD MORNING Wherever), lifelessly claiming to be a living, breathing human being, his extensive knowledge of traditions of vampirism proved unsettling. In fact, they undermine his entire argument. He has to be vampire.

Or, you know, just a really weird dude.

Commentarium (4 Comments)

Feb 10 12 - 8:48pm

What? The only "extensive knowledge" on vampirism that he said was that vampires have no reflection and you cant take pictures of them. Oh and they drink blood (what a shocker!). We all learned these things when we read Dracula in high school. If I were you Id really take a step back and reexamine your definition of 'unsettling' and 'weird dude'.

But aside from that, hilariousness.

Feb 11 12 - 2:31pm

Yeah...I think the "extensive knowledge" was meant to be an ironic statement.

Feb 11 12 - 3:53pm
On A Side Note

Nicholas Cage on his personal preparation for his role in Ghost Rider:
"It occurred to me, because I was doing a character as far out of our reference point as the spirit of vengeance, I could use these techniques. I would paint my face with black and white make up to look like a Afro-Caribbean icon called Baron Samedi, or an Afro-New Orleans icon who is also called Baron Saturday. He is a spirit of death but he loves children; he's very lustful, so he's a conflict in forces. And I would put black contact lenses in my eyes so that you could see no white and no pupil, so I would look more like a skull or a white shark on attack."

"On my costume, my leather jacket, I would sew in ancient, thousands-of-years-old Egyptian relics, and gather bits of tourmaline and onyx and would stuff them in my pockets to gather these energies together and shock my imagination into believing that I was augmented in some way by them, or in contact with ancient ghosts. I would walk on the set looking like this, loaded with all these magical trinkets, and I wouldn't say a word to my co-stars or crew or directors. I saw the fear in their eyes, and it was like oxygen to a forest fire. I believed I was the Ghost Rider."

HA. I love this man.

Feb 12 12 - 2:04am
hasedou had

What preparation did he do for that enema known as Bangkok Dangerous?

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