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Pixar lets woman direct movie

Pixar lets a lady direct a movie.

Pixar is pretty well known for being a dudefest. All of its movies have had male leads, while some bro-downs like Up had almost no ladies whatsoever.

That's changing, however, with Brave, a movie which not only stars a female protagonist -- a tomboy princess who would rather shoot arrows than wear a tiara -- but also Pixar's first female writer/director, Brenda Chapman. 

Look how happy she is:

Brenda Chapman will be Pixar's first female director.

Teeth clenchingly so. If you're excited about Pixar's belated estrogen injection, simmer down -- you've still got to wait, as the movie won't be released until June 15, 2012.

Comments ( 8 )

well technically kevin, the bird in Up is a female. but yeah i agree, it's about damn time.

mudpie commented on Sep 24 10 at 11:40 am

"All of its movie have had male leads" ???

bearman33 commented on Sep 24 10 at 12:06 pm

Calm down, bearman33.

Ray Rahman commented on Sep 24 10 at 12:31 pm

They "let" her direct. Isn't that cute. Let's make a big deal about these things for another 50 years or so.

And their is a woman in Up. Try watching it.

G Unit commented on Sep 24 10 at 2:13 pm

Hey my one almost qualm with Pixar is ending. Sweet! Although, it's not like Pixar has been notoriously anti-woman.

Holly commented on Sep 24 10 at 2:45 pm

G Unit, try looking up the word "almost."

Ray Rahman commented on Sep 24 10 at 3:29 pm

G Unit, "there" not "their."

um commented on Sep 24 10 at 3:42 pm

Fantastic title on this scan.

Shannon commented on Sep 25 10 at 12:55 am

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