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Betty White is perhaps the oldest rapper in the game

You heard that right. Since the eighty-nine-year old's career resurgence, she is really milking the "I'm old and cool!" shtick. It works for her though, because she is old and cool, even if she didn't win an Emmy this time around. Now, along with British techno/pop performer Luciana, White has recorded the song "I'm Still Hot" for the Lifeline Program — a life insurance company that clearly knows how to market itself.

The official music video isn't out yet, but the song is, and there are plenty of teasers on the front page of the company's website. One in particular features a stunt double for White who breakdances in the middle of a group of hip young people, donning a rhinestone-studded, velour jumpsuit that reads "WHITE HOT" on the back. Then the real Betty White pops up after a backflip and asserts, "I'm still hot!" The song isn't exactly quality techno-rap (if such a thing exists), but most projects White takes on these days are just cool for their novelty factor. Believe it or not, though, this isn't her first foray into rap music — remember her "Anthropology Rap" with Troy and Abed on Community?

Whether you love Betty, or you're finding her ubiquitousness to be somewhat grating on your pop-culture radar, in her words: “I will get you sweaty because I’m the big Betty!” Whatever that means.

Commentarium (5 Comments)

Sep 26 11 - 12:15pm

Christ almighty I am so sick of Betty White.

Sep 26 11 - 12:20pm
Aged Ice

Hip-replacement-hop? Whatever happened to acting one's age?

Sep 27 11 - 7:43am

hahahaha hip-replacement hop

Sep 26 11 - 3:50pm
Guess what!

Can't wait til she's dead.

Sep 27 11 - 9:52am

Betty White is awesome. Haters.