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For a few unbelievably long months, it seemed Kanye West was officially done with Twitter. Save for the occasional album announcement, it was all quiet on the 'Ye front, a tragedy for those of us who grew to love his frantic tweets about throwing "some kazoo on this bitch" or his all-caps rants about his artistry. Finally, after six weeks, West has broken his social media silence, and the wait was worth it. On his Twitter account, the rapper shared a behind the scenes look at the Watch the Throne tour. The video includes some classic Yeezy-isms, including his particularly delusional hope that world leaders will attend his funeral. 

The clip accurately captures the grandiosity that is the Watch the Throne tour — lasers are flashing every other second, the audience is a pit of shadows holding up phones and fists, a video of a dog barking plays on the JumboTron. But Kanye's voice-over is the true chef d'oeuvre; while on the screen a silent 'Ye prepares for the show — he adjusts his loudly-patterned shirt, he layers on gold jewelry — the rapper's disembodied voice shares thoughts on power and legacy with grave seriousness.

What does Kanye want? "I am in pursuit of awesomeness. Excellence is the bare minimum." What does Kanye do? "I'm not trying to say that what I do is the most important thing that's happening on the planet but what I'm doing is necessary." And what does Kanye think about the end of Kanye?

"I was just thinking about my funeral a couple of days ago and thinking who would be at the funeral. People who I want to be in the funeral? I wanna have world leaders that were, like affected, that said, you know, 'Kanye gave me my shot here.' Or 'he pushed me,' or 'he told me to believe in myself,' or 'when I saw this, it made me feel like that.' I wanna affect people like that when I, like, pass away."

Well, while you may have affected President Bush, Kanye, I'm not sure that he would attend your funeral (or that we really want to consider him a "world leader"). Maybe you should have followed Jay-Z's lead and penned a moving political anthem like "My President is Black"? A song like that is bound to inspire. 

Tags Kanye West

Commentarium (6 Comments)

Dec 05 11 - 5:10pm

"Kanye gave me my shot here"??? Huh?

Dec 05 11 - 7:16pm

Dude has one of those narcissism things going on. freals

Dec 05 11 - 7:36pm
Little GH

settle down haters. Let people, including Kanye, have dreams. He wants to change the world in some way like a lot of people dream of doing. chill out.

Dec 05 11 - 10:05pm

He dreams of changing the world, for the sake of the recognition he'd get for doing so, not for the sake of the achievement itself. Know thy subject.

Dec 06 11 - 3:12pm

The workd would be a teeny tiny bit better if Kanye weren't in it. His impact has been largely non-existent, minimally negative on the smallest of scales.

Dec 27 11 - 1:05pm

My president is black inspires? What are you smoking? Its just another hood song just like jeezy hadand has no real significance to the world. And news flash, bush was the leader of the free world for 8 years and had huge impacts on the world, I dont know what sort of distorted reality you are in.

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