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Some people collect stamps. Some people collect, I don't know, coins or small bits of rock or candles or whatever. Me, though, I collect crazy Kanye West quotes. And I've got a gem for my collection: at the Big Chill music festival in England Saturday night, 'Ye compared himself to Hitler and Michael Jordan, though woefully not in the same sentence.

"I walk through the hotel and I walk down the street and people look at me like I'm [expletive] insane, like I'm Hitler... One day the light will shine through and one day people will understand everything I ever did."

So West is feeling a bit persecuted, I guess. But outsize historical comparisons, aside, what of his contributions to music?

"Michael Jordan changed so much in basketball, he took his power to make a difference. It's so much [expletive] going on in music right now and somebody has to make a [expletive] difference."

Look, I'm neither Kanye's biggest fan nor his most outspoken hater. I think his beats are great, his rhymes are okay, and his singing, Auto-Tuned to hell and back or not, is terrible. But I think he's a fascinating case of celebrity pathos — here's someone that, despite having a fair share of detractors, has succeeded at nearly everything he's set out to do, which is astounding, considering the breadth of his aspirations.

Yet, for some reason, he still feels like Hitler. And Michael Jordan. All at once.  If that's not worth some heavy psychoanalyzing, I don't know what is.

Tags Kanye West

Commentarium (13 Comments)

Aug 08 11 - 11:15am

Who is Kanye West and why do I care?

Aug 08 11 - 12:55pm
Jules Morgan

LOl Kanye ..He's such a tool! :P

Aug 08 11 - 1:48pm
Vinegar Bend

Critics think this guy's a genius. I've watched and listened and found myself luaghing

Aug 08 11 - 2:46pm

...and by 'critics' you mean Kanye.

Aug 08 11 - 2:49pm

That's because, for all his personal faults, Kanye really is a musical genius.

Aug 08 11 - 3:17pm

Please define mean like Hendrix, or Prince or Simon?
Or like Jay Z or Usher?

Aug 08 11 - 5:36pm

Or like when the Brady Bunch kids started a band?

Aug 09 11 - 12:26pm

People do say that and his album got #1 on lots of respectable best of 2010 lists. Is he a musical genius? I'm asking. I haven't listened closely enough to discern what he's doing special. Can someone seriously explain what he's doing that is genius? Lyrics, song-structure, genre-mixing, sampling, what? Is he just insanely creative in how he puts stuff together? Can someone point to a specific song of his that is "genius" and explain why?

Aug 09 11 - 5:23am

Kayne & GaGa should get married. 2 gigantic messes deserve to morph into 1 gigantic shitfest.

Aug 09 11 - 12:29pm

He's not comparing himself to Hitler, he's comparing how people think about him to how people think about Hitler. He is comparing himself to MJ, though.

Aug 14 11 - 8:40am


Aug 29 11 - 8:03am

One or two to reembmer, that is.

Aug 31 11 - 12:29pm

Ya learn smoethnig new everyday. It's true I guess!