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Kanye West

While national debate over abortion and a proposed bill to cut Planned Parenthood's funding heats up, respected women's-health expert Kanye West has jumped feet first into the controversy, posting the following series of tweets last night:

Kanye West abortion tweet

Kanye West abortion tweet

Kanye West Abortion Tweet

...yes. Because as we all know, luxury abortions are the bread and butter of the "gold diggin' bitches" of the world. And suddenly Justin Bieber's views on the issue seem so sensitive and relevant!

Comments ( 8 )

Feb 24 11 at 10:58 am

I think he just wants to piss people off at this point.

Feb 24 11 at 11:10 am

Amazing how they get pregnant all by themselves...

Feb 24 11 at 11:15 am

Is he not retarded?

Feb 24 11 at 11:23 am

when justin bieber says he doesn't believe in abortion billions of teen girls who watch "teen mom 2" get really excited about NOT aborting their future children. when kanye tweets ridiculous bullshit about gold diggin' bitches, we should all just laugh. hey, at least he was promoting safe sex, as opposed to no sex, which is entirely unrealistic.

Feb 24 11 at 12:31 pm

the story of women trapping men with pregnancy is ages old. Don't pretend it doesn't happen. He's absolutely correct with his advice to strap up. Brothers need to keep those lil swimmers in the blocks.

Feb 24 11 at 12:48 pm

to be fair, back in high school there were a TON of chicks from my poor, rural hometown getting pregnant on purpose to get out of their parents' houses. It happens.

Feb 24 11 at 3:32 pm

I'm sure he does have a point, but honestly, if you're famous/wealthy and you want to sleep around, and you don't wear condoms, you are just a damn fool.

Feb 26 11 at 3:19 am

I really, really, really want to be upset with him for this comment, but I can't because it's clearly a reality once you're famous, if you're male. There are so many stories of women getting pregnant from someone famous and using it to get huge sums of child support (because a child absolutely needs $20,000 a month just to survive? I don't think so). Granted, the best choice would be to not screw lots of women, but if you do, wear a condom.

And yes, I'm a lesbian feminist woman agreeing with his comments.

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