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Another right-wing undercover operation took aim at Planned Parenthood, this time under the direction of Live Action, a media group dedicated to investigating abortion. The two covert operatives filmed themselves entering a Planned Parenthood center and speaking with the office manager about procuring STD testing and abortions for underage sex workers, inquiring about girls ages fourteen, fifteen, and up. They asked various questions about how to secure medical care for these fictional Asian immigrants.

The office manager at the center offered tips on how to avoid age requirements and the best clinic to take a fourteen-year-old child if she was in need of an abortion. The footage brings up many difficult and important questions about women's health care, sex work, and the need for medical staff to report abuse. Should the Planned Parenthood employee have been less helpful in advising the pimp in ways to obtain medical attention for his underage sex workers? Should she have called the FBI to report the pimp and his sex workers?

The answers to those questions are difficult. Sex work and sex trafficking/child abuse are two separate issues, and the real issue here is child abuse. It seems the office worker should have called law enforcement to report the pimp; but, had she done so, word would have inevitably gotten around that Planned Parenthood reports underage sex workers and those still involved in sex work would be less likely to receive medical attention or safe and sanitary abortions.

Sex trafficking and the use of children for sex work is a disgusting fact of life which ought to be combated, but will its presence completely disappear? Should Planned Parenthood overlook abuse in order to provide girls with medical care?

Comments ( 8 )

Right-wingers running a sting operation on a service that helps people. Losers.

anon commented on Feb 01 11 at 5:49 pm

Are you kidding anon? Did you watch the video? The president of Planned Parenthood would find that appalling.

Regardless of the motivation of the people who shot the video, the behavior of the office manager was UNBELIEVABLE!!! The "pimp" made clear that he was using under age girls from asia as prostitutes. Much of the conversation was about what to do with the ones that were under fourteen. She even gave advice about how these girls could make money from sex acts during the two weeks when their bodies were healing from an abortion. She also said that she could probably "streamline the process" in exchange for a bribe.

This went WAY beyond offering medical advice. I don't know who wrote this article, but this video doesn't bring up "difficult and important questions". Unless that difficult and important question is "HOW THE FUCK DID THIS LADY GET HIRED?"

It also doesn't mean that Planned Parenthood as an agency aides sex traffickers, as the people behind the video would like you to conclude. THAT is what is unfair about the video.

In conclusion, this video shows one Planned Parenthood employee acting outside the policies of Planned Parenthood. The way she acts is indefensible, but it doesn't represent the whole agency. Whoever wrote this article is as absurdly over committed to his/her worldview as Glen Beck is to his. I'm sure if the writer's daughter was stolen, sold into slavery, and pimped out in her early teens, the writer's deepest hope would be that his/her daughter would get sound medical advice from the professional that could've turned in her pimp.


Ryan commented on Feb 01 11 at 6:43 pm

I agree with Ryan, this video is WAY fucked. But this one conversation with this one employee does not by any means discredit what this company does for hundreds of thousands of women every year. I understand pimps and their prostitutes (because let's admit it, they are out there) need help too, but not a single one of them would be stupid enough to disclose this to an employee (if they are then they deserve to get arrested). And they would still get their services. But employees giving advice, talking shit about other employees, and just NOT reporting this sort of thing is absolutely absurd. I am more than positive she has been fired by now because this does not represent the company and I am sure they are just as appalled as we are by this video.

MC commented on Feb 01 11 at 11:30 pm

Planned Parenthood was started by a woman dedicated to eradicating minorities. This behavior is a logical extension.

Publius commented on Feb 02 11 at 12:29 am

Publius = troll

Randlan commented on Feb 02 11 at 3:03 am

The truth about Margaret Sanger, the founder of what would become Planned Parenthood, is a little grayer than that, but still not entirely palatable to many people:

tkm commented on Feb 02 11 at 4:50 am

there's no difficult question here. Medical facilities in all states are required to report abuse. An adult impregnating a 14 year old is abuse. The PP person's choice was to either comply with the law or break it.

doofus commented on Feb 02 11 at 8:18 am

why does your writer indicate that this was a right wing designed operation without giving any evidence to that fact? Could it be that your organization is leaning left and your bias is showing?

john conville commented on Feb 03 11 at 1:49 am

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