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Despite having crafted some good pop music decades ago, Madonna can be kind of insufferable. This week we added her vocal hatred of hydrangeas to the list of her entitled behaviors. But being the self-aware, unapologetic diva that she is, Madonna wouldn't trade in all the faux British accents in the world to change popular opinion.

Leave it to Madge to craft the above video, the ultimate kiss-off to haters. It starts off as a sepia-toned ode to the world's dowdiest flower, only to eventually cast them off in favor of roses. Who knew horticulture could be so controversial? It's simultaneously sassy and silly and, like her best music videos, will probably be divisive.

Tags Madonna

Commentarium (5 Comments)

Sep 13 11 - 4:25am

How silly...I know it may be extremely difficult for Madonna, but she should have just pretended to be gracious and say nothing about her dislike of the flower, afterall the fan did spend money on her.

Sep 13 11 - 10:26am

The only good thing about that video is that it probably gave a few people some temporary gainful employment.
If she thought that was in any way amusing or purposeful, that's part of her problem.

Oct 09 11 - 2:06pm

I love madonna.She is the best singer in the world

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