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The first track from Amy Winehouse's posthumous album has been released, complete with a video put together from old footage of the late singer. In typical Winehouse fashion, "Our Day Will Come" is a reggae-infused cover of a 1963 Ruby and the Romantics song.

Part of the upcoming collection Lioness: Hidden Treasures, the song is part of a cache of music Winehouse recorded before her death, and the already-wistful lyrics take on a heartbreaking new meaning in light of the circumstances. 

"Lots of people are going to want to remember other aspects of her life, but what we have here highlights that musically and creatively, she was the tops," said Salaam Reimi, the producer that worked with Winehouse on all of her albums. While Lioness is a compilation of material recorded prior to Winehouse' death, there is still a store of material she refused to ever have released, including a particular track called "Procrastinate." "If you ever hear 'Procrastinate,' you have my permission to come into my offices and fire me," said Reimi.

Take a listen to "Our Day Will Come," but only if you're ready to feel sad for the rest of the day. 

Commentarium (5 Comments)

Nov 21 11 - 4:05pm
mr. man

she had a real spark. i miss her.

Nov 21 11 - 5:38pm

what a shame. what a talent. what an incredible loss.

Nov 23 11 - 2:23am

What a gain for humanity. Her death was just the thinning of the herd. Evolution is something you hippies are all on board with, right? So I guess we can all look forward to endless compilation and best of albums.

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