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Glenn Beck attacks Muslims

Why are people increasingly turning away from television news outlets like MSNBC and CNN? Is it the supposed "liberal bent" or "actual facts, which some people find boring in the same way that they find Al Gore"? Or is Fox News just that convincing? Well, as competitor Fareed Zakaria points out, Fox doesn't believe in facts, just hype.

For his dangerous foray into attacking someone as influential as Glenn Beck, Zakaria wisely chose to use Beck's radio show as an example instead of his TV show. Watch the actual journalist school a phony reporter on things like math, terrorism, hysteria and the truth:

More of this, CNN, and stop being such wimps.

Commentarium (12 Comments)

Dec 14 10 - 9:42am

CNN, the Cartoon News Network, otherwise now known as just another arm of government news propaganda along with the other majors. People whine about NPR, but I'd say all the other government scribes are more deserving of the whine.

Dec 14 10 - 10:31am

Fuck you Twolane. What are you doing on Hooksexup anyway, you Glenn Beck loving Faux News apologist? This whole site is probably against everything you believe in. Sinner! The only people whining about NPR is Fox News.

Dec 14 10 - 12:11pm

It is waaaay past time to reframe and redefine the phrase "real American", at least if like me you actually love this country and it's people. Twolane is half right; since Reagan de-regulated the media in the 80's, ALL news has become more and more suspect. Beck is simply marketing - they all are. "News" it has been famously said "is anything somebody doesn't want you to know; everything else is advertising". We are being advertised to death and are plumb sick of it, left right and center. Like avante garde performance art, they can only get more extreme - nothing else works.
IGNORE THEM, but pay attention. BE a "real American"; speak simple truths and claim your citizenship. The two most passionate liberals I know are both military vets - one Airborne (Nam and Laos), the other a Naval Investigator ( do NOT fuck with her, or actually else) - and are both armed. Please explain THAT, Mr Beck.

Dec 14 10 - 12:12pm

I'm exhausted Hooksexup; more sex and less politics please.

Dec 14 10 - 12:50pm

Do 10% of Muslims worldwide sympathize with people who advocate violence? Probably. 10% of Beck's audience probably does too. It is quite a step from that to being an actual bomb maker.

Dec 14 10 - 2:08pm

I'm with Gazbo's second comment.

Dec 14 10 - 3:08pm

Mr. Mustard, have you not noticed that Twolane says stuff just to get a rise out of people? He or she hardly has a consistent ideology in the comments.

Dec 22 11 - 4:37pm

Fuck Me! I mean - fuck you and me! No, wait, I mean fuck you, Me!

Dec 14 10 - 3:25pm

I have been noticing that too "Me." Trolls be trolls imo.
Cool report Brian Fairbanks.

Dec 14 10 - 4:15pm

Saying CNN is a wing of the government is neither liberal nor conservative and is a stance that both Glenn Beck lovers and Ralph Nader supporters can agree on.

CNN is rarely critical of either side and the way the present what they deem to be news is just another reinforcement of the establishment. An establishment less concerned with social issues than economic ones.

I'm not criticizing CNN like twolane, I think outlets like CNN are necessary and do some education, they just will only criticize those on the fringes, like Beck or Nader, while leaving relative centrists like Obama or Bush out of the fray.

Mar 09 11 - 7:48am
I see it

Glenn Beck says "10% of Muslims are terrorists" and Fareed Zakaria disputes it. I'm totally with him.

What stupid Beck, check your facts - Only 10% Muslims are NOT terrorists.

Sep 01 11 - 2:58am

Unfortunately, this is the result of the continuously fight between CNN and Fox News. Frankly speaking, both of them seems the story of two liquor stores competitors fighting for the best
price for a bottle of wine. At the end they both gone away. The american people deserves much more than these two clowns.

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