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Glenn Beck's new book cover

I seriously did not just Photoshop the cover of Glenn Beck's new nonfiction (?) book, The Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life. #8: People will pay large amounts of money if you prey on their fears and pretend to cry on national television.

Wonkette, Gawker and other sites have been mocking this cover mercilessly, but I don't know what to say. There is a man behind Beck who appears to be Photobombing. His name may be Ablow. Ablow's job on this book cover is probably to convince readers that the book isn't full of crazy rants... because he's a damn doctor and he wouldn't allow that. Also, who is the kid?

P.S. Is one of the Seven Wonders discovering the Joy of Gay Adoption? Just wondering.

Comments ( 10 )

So you're judging a book by its cover. Immediately trashing it because of your bias against Beck. Please stop calling this section news and call it what it is, opinion without any basis.

?? commented on Nov 18 10 at 9:07 am

Ha! That cover is awesome. I don't think you even need to write any jokes. Just hold it up and point to it. And to ???...You are on the money. Damn lefties always making snap judgments and rash decisions based on appearances...Now Fox...there's some news.

jack commented on Nov 18 10 at 9:45 am

He's not judging it by its cover, he's judging ITS cover, silly.

Dopey commented on Nov 18 10 at 9:49 am

I'll jump to criticize anything Glenn Beck does because of his past (and present) comments. nothing he could endorse or write himself could change that.

explainerguy commented on Nov 18 10 at 9:51 am

I absolutely believe you can judge a book by its cover. I also firmly believe that pretty much any book like this is just the regurgitation of a core cadre of books like "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Steven R. Covey (like Beck, a Mormon), and "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie.

There will be nothing new or useful that comes out of this book. If you need self-help literature, stick to the classics. I recommend "The Art of Living," a collection of the teachings of Epictetus.

SR commented on Nov 18 10 at 10:09 am

Oh yeah, ???, because you read this section of Hooksexup for objective news. Puh-lease.

DDR commented on Nov 18 10 at 12:04 pm

I am extremely pleased to read the objective views published by faithful readers of Hooksexup, no matter what they post in the comments. In fact, it's a better read than the headlines posted by CNN.

Twolane commented on Nov 18 10 at 12:42 pm

DDR - Nice assumption there. You insult my intelligence.

No, because I read just about every one of these self-help and business/management/leadership books out there(one of my least favorite parts of my job), and only once every 3-4 years does something new or original come up. Furthermore, it seems like the only folks who come up with original stuff are professors and academics, a la Dan Arielly and Stephen Leavitt, who do unique scientific and quantitative research to develop brilliant insights.

Look, every management/leadership book is based off of the old 1970's Motorolla and 1960's Xerox management training programs, and most contemporary self-help books are an iteration Covey's book and works and Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning.” Most self-help & leadership books just recycle and reframe the same crap over and over again. But at the very root of all of these books are principles articulated by guys like Aristotle, Socrates, Seneca, Epictetus, Plato, and other Stoic and Greek philosophers. If you want the good stuff, go read those.

With this particular book, all I have to do is read the Amazon Ed. Reviews and get a sense that it is doing the same. Like I said, I don't have high hopes for this book, but I'll probably still read it just in case there is one nugget of information/perspective that I can find useful.

I do respect Glenn Beck in one regard: He gets it. He understands that those who make get paid, and those who consume get fat and poor. He gets paid. His followers get incrementally poorer.

SR commented on Nov 18 10 at 12:59 pm

I think you misread DDR's comment. She/He seems to be referring to the first poster who had a name listed as ??, not to your comment.

@SR commented on Nov 18 10 at 4:27 pm

My bad. Rough day at work and I was looking for a fight.

@@SR commented on Nov 18 10 at 5:09 pm

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