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CNN report: Obama was born in the U.S., "period"

Barack Obama birth certificate

Since some people out there really do still seem to think this issue is up for debate, CNN has conducted an investigation into President Obama's not-all-that-mysterious birth certificate. The conclusion? The president of the United States is, in fact, from the United States, "period."

The network even went all the way to Hawaii to confirm with relevant medical authorities that "he was absolutely born here in the state of Hawaii" and that his birth certificate is "absolutely authentic." It remains to be see what, if any, impact this will have on the four out of ten Republicans who still are in doubt on the issue and, you know, on Donald Trump. But maybe this means we're one step closer to a day when I never have to hear about this story again?




More About Barack Obama

Comments ( 20 )

Apr 26 11 at 12:16 pm

Too funny - you've linked to a site that mocks the CNN report.

I'm also interested in seeing if the 1 in 10 Democrats will be swayed by the CNN report.

As for me, if CNN actually added the word "period," well, that's good enough for me.

Now, what' s on that long form certificate that has everyone so scared?

Apr 26 11 at 1:41 pm

The long form birth certificate only confirms how scared racists get when a black man is elected president.

Apr 26 11 at 1:54 pm

@ProofReader: The Gawker article is intentionally sarcastic in its mockery, as many Gawker articles are.

Apr 26 11 at 2:25 pm

I don't think its' fair to attribute the entire birther phenomenon to racism. I'm sure that's part of it, but there is plenty of legitimate dislike for Obama's policies and probably even more blatant opportunism,

Apr 26 11 at 2:28 pm

@jr - huh? You mean the long form might confirm that BO is of African descent? That will surely rock the world!

@SA - I love gawker but I read it as it's mocking CNN as well, perhaps, as others.

Apr 26 11 at 3:43 pm

Nope. It will only rock the rocking chairs of the racist southerners. It's very telling that birthers don't even seem to know that Kenya didn't even exist when Obama was born.

Apr 27 11 at 10:57 pm

@jr - Do you thus conclude the long form birth certificate is fake since it references "Kenya, East Africa" as Obama, Sr's birthplace?

Actually, Kenya existed for quite some time prior to its independence in 1963.

So you're wrong about Kenya and wrong about racism. Do some research before posting in the future.

Apr 27 11 at 11:12 pm

Do some research? Please. Kenya was not a country before 1963, so get over it. Wrong about racism? Not exactly. Unless you think birthers are really just stupid or gullible as an excuse to flog a manufactured controversy to death.

Apr 28 11 at 12:54 pm
Tickets, Please

Not a country, yet listed as his father's place of birth. Are you saying that the birth certificate is forged?

Actually, it was a country, just wasn't independent until 1963. No getting over anything.

Apr 28 11 at 2:59 pm

You wish the certificate was forged. I guess you have a problem accepting the fact that the Republic of Kenya did not exist when Obama was born. Again, get over it: You are quite simply wrong. Get over that too.

Apr 26 11 at 1:13 pm

The story about Obama;s birth certificate will end when he becomes white.

Apr 26 11 at 2:31 pm

Ohhh, it took me a while but you're saying that people are interested in the birth certificate due to racism, correct? How witty!

And I have to add: "Period." Sorry but I had to use a clumsy rhetorical device to show certainty.

Apr 26 11 at 2:50 pm

Conservative Joel Pollak, writing for The American Thinker, has stated that the reason the "Birther theory" has caught on particularly among conservatives, is the weakness of the Republican opposition, stating, "In the absence of strong Republican leadership, some find the Birther theory a compelling, if desperate, solution. Yet it is ultimately a self-destructive one — not just because it is almost certainly false, but because it contradicts the essential spirit of the conservative movement."

Political analyst Marc Ambinder of The Atlantic and CBS News, suggests that the birther phenomenon goes to the heart of the dilemma now facing the Republican Party, positing that "Republican presidential candidates need to figure out how to diffuse angry birthers who are bound to show up and demand their attention. If they give credence to the birthers, they're not only advancing ignorance but also betraying the narrowness of their base. If they dismiss this growing movement, they might drive birthers to find more extreme candidates, which will fragment a Republican political coalition."

Political analyst Andrew Sullivan, writing in The Sunday Times, stated "The demographics tell the basic story: a black man is president and a large majority of white southerners cannot accept that, even in 2009. They grasp conspiracy theories to wish Obama — and the America he represents — away. Since white southerners comprise an increasing proportion of the 22% of Americans who still describe themselves as Republican, the GOP can neither dismiss the crankery nor move past it. The fringe defines what’s left of the Republican centre."

These are only 3 of the _208_ citations on this tragically long page:

Apr 26 11 at 4:38 pm

Conspiracy theories are never disproved. If someone claims to have done so, they are clearly part of the conspiracy, or at the very least, duped by it.

Apr 27 11 at 11:05 am

May I be so honored as to be the first person to say to all Birthers on Hooksexup: You can shut the fuck up now.

Apr 27 11 at 1:34 pm

I would like to nominate this day as a holiday: National Calling Out Racism Day.

Apr 27 11 at 3:20 pm

I didn't get to see the news conference. Does anyone know if the President said, "period" after stating that it was the true Birth Certificate? If not, I'm sceptical.

@jr - Yes, this will end racism. Hallelujah!

Apr 27 11 at 4:13 pm

No, it will not "end" racism: There are too many gullible morons acting like trolls for that to ever happen.

Apr 28 11 at 12:55 pm
Tickets, Please

@jr. There's hope for you yet: Resolve to stop acting racist and avoid troll behavior.

Apr 28 11 at 3:01 pm

Uh huh. So in your twisted reality, someone who is antiracist = a racist. Nice try, but no cigar. Try coming up with a more convenient excuse for the birthers next time.

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