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CNN sneaks first Western reporter into Libya

US libyan protests

Ben Wedemen, a reporter for CNN, is the first Western journalist to report live from Libya, as the increasingly violent protests in that country mount. Libya has banned all foreign reporters from entering the country, making the situation even more difficult to cover than the Egyptian and Tunisian riots in recent weeks and months.

Wedemen has been broadcasting since yesterday, from an undisclosed location in the east of the country, controlled by anti-Gaddafi forces. He showed live video footage of the massive protests still rocking the country. According to his reports, the border is patrolled by untrained young men with AK-47s, not following any clear diplomatic or passport procedure. 

Journalists' struggles to cover the recent wave of uprisings in the Middle East have brought to mind another interesting question: as we move towards online news, dismembering the traditional print-media reporting model, has our ability to cover international news events decreased? It seems like a decade ago, we would have been able to use a team of reporters already on the ground in Cairo, rather than sending Anderson Cooper to sneak his way in. 

Comments ( 4 )

Feb 22 11 at 8:59 pm

No no no no. If anything, the move to online media has only facilitated the coverage of international news. Getting people on the ground and into foreign countries, especially ones as rife with chaos and turmoil as those in the Middle East, was no less difficult ten years ago - but we didn't have Twitter/Wordpress/Facebook a decade ago either.

Feb 22 11 at 11:20 pm
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Getting people in to these places is hard, but the real challenge will be getting them out again safely.

Feb 23 11 at 1:15 am

10 years ago, news reporting could be still manageably manipulated by the string pullers. But with the advancements made in 'net technologies since then, means real, immediate & honest coverage is a lot harder to censor/edit/manipulate, so official outlets beggar to the illusion that it's harder to get people into such places, to downsize the risk of freer coverage actually being presented.

Feb 24 11 at 6:11 pm

What, so the guy can hide in the basement with that other CNN guy and whine and snivel about having the shit kicked out of him? Right.

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