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Though a similar proposal has already been rejected twice in Colorado, Mississippi is now trying out a "personhood amendment" of its own, which would legally define humans as existing beginning at fertilization. The amendment will be on the state's upcoming November ballot as Proposition 26, and though numerous state leaders have publicly declared support for the measure, it has also raised a series of technical questions. 

"Part of the concern is that it's not entirely clear what will happen if this passes," explained a local law professor. Aside from outlawing abortion even in the case of rape or incest, the measure would specifically define a person as "every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning or the functional equivalent thereof," which could possibly lead to bans on certain birth-control methods and fertility treatments, as well as lower the legal voting age to seventeen years and three months after birth, per the state's new definition of life. 

Supporters of Proposition 26 assure skeptics that "most forms" of birth-control pills would remain legal, and call theories that women who miscarry could technically be prosecuted under the new law "silly and cruel."

However, according to Mother Jones, the founder of Personhood Mississippi (and Proposition 26's greatest proponent) is Les Riley, a man who once threw his political weight behind "an effort to form an independent theocratic republic in South Carolina." Um, well then. Safe to say all bets are off.

Tags abortion

Commentarium (18 Comments)

Oct 10 11 - 5:38pm

We are pro life right up till birth!

Oct 10 11 - 6:06pm

That's right, and I kill'em whenever I feel like it after birth, no questions asked

Oct 11 11 - 11:37pm

Oh, wow. Awesome comeback! *sarcasm*

Oct 14 11 - 9:28am

wtf does that even mean?

Oct 10 11 - 5:40pm

We are pro choice, especially when it reduces those minority births!

Oct 10 11 - 5:45pm

We don't vote for Republitards, so we know this isn't true.

Oct 10 11 - 5:46pm
Pasty White Trolls

Who let the minorities into the comment thread!?

Oct 10 11 - 5:47pm

Wasn't us!

Oct 10 11 - 5:47pm

Must have been the libs.

Oct 10 11 - 6:05pm
Self righteous lib

There are minorities in this thread? Eeeek! I thought this neighborhood was completely gentrified!

Oct 10 11 - 6:48pm
White Trash

Don't worry. We aren't hipsters, even if they like to look like us.

Oct 10 11 - 9:38pm

I wouldn't be surprised if the Hooksexup staff are looking at the ip addresses and most of these posts were by the same person.

Oct 10 11 - 9:41pm
IP Addresses

Can be faked very easily.

Oct 10 11 - 8:45pm

Silly and cruel.
And vicious and absolutely guaranteed to not achieve the results it pretends to want.
Sex ed would reduce abortions quicker and cheaper - and kinder.

Oct 11 11 - 4:59pm

Good. I'm for this. I really am. Hopefully, this change will be the start of many.

Oct 13 11 - 11:21am

this is america. the land of the free. are you really free if you cant make your own decisions like this? i am personally against abortion, but there are times when the birth of a child is not whats best for the child nor mother. there should be times when its legal and times when its not, in my opinion. if they would jus specify the law instead of making it simply " NO ABORTIONS" then i think people would vote for it to pass.

Oct 14 11 - 9:29am
me too

funnily enough, these are the same people who want GUMMINT OUT OF MY PRIVATE LIFE! except when that involves making medical decisions or deciding you might want to -- horrors! -- marry an adult of the same gender. Then it's all about what Jebus wants.

Oct 17 11 - 3:03pm

I thought our state government couldn't get much worse until I heard about this. Let's just continually embarrass the state of Mississippi, you crazy pro life extremists

Now you say something