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Apparently, Chelsea Handler is sick of popular culture. Or, at least, that's how it appears in her latest interview with The New York Times, which was aptly titled, "Comedy With a Side of Disgust." The interview is mostly a long rant about how irritating she finds twenty-first-century America. 

In it, she says, "There's only so much of this nonsense you can talk about before your brain starts bleeding." (If that's the case, this woman must be getting weekly blood transfusions. Have you seen her show?) Anyway, maybe it's the pot calling the kettle black, but she's got a point. And a revelation: 

People are too P.C. We need to be focusing on other things. We’re seeking out such grossness in human behavior and want such mindless entertainment. The Real Housewives of Atlanta and some of these other shows are more racist. Or 16 and Pregnant. Getting rewarded for being pregnant when you’re a teenager? Are you serious? I mean, that makes me want to kill somebody. I had an abortion when I was sixteen. Because that’s what I should have done. Otherwise I would now have a twenty-year-old kid. Anyway, those are things that people shouldn’t be dishonest about it.

Endless snark aside, it's refreshing to hear her admit that she had an abortion. If more women in the public eye would speak up and not be ashamed, it might actually make a difference. Now if only she weren't so bitter and annoying. 

More About Chelsea Handler

Comments ( 58 )

May 25 11 at 11:29 am
Alex Heigl

Yeah, I mean, she's kind of funny in a really horrible, never-ever-want-to-meet-her-in-person, Gilbert Gottfried sort of way.

May 25 11 at 12:41 pm

I switched from Chelsea Handler's show over to John Oliver's standup special, and found myself riveted by an astonishing tour-de-force performance by Maria Bamford, who's truly fearless and hilarious. Bits of it are on YouTube. Recommended.

May 25 11 at 1:02 pm

She's been pretty funny on 30 Rock, though.

May 25 11 at 1:02 pm

Wow. Now she's an even bigger piece of shit than I already thought she was. Think about it fellas. You really want to be married or be with that? Ok then. She described her own show and how I feel about it when she said that first half of her statement.

May 25 11 at 2:38 pm

Which was the shitty part exactly?

May 25 11 at 7:08 pm

Uh,everything basically.

May 25 11 at 1:15 pm

"Otherwise I would now have a twenty-year-old kid."

How terrible for her. The "twenty-year-old kid" might think differently about being terminated. Enough of the culture of death and ugliness. The culture will stop a billion dollar project that will benefit humanity for the sake of a snail darter but won't recognize the(disproportionally minority) genocide in its midst.

We're bankrupting the kids we're not killing off.

May 25 11 at 7:56 pm

"We're bankrupting the kids we're not killing off." So it's good we're keeping their numbers down.

May 26 11 at 9:01 am

Yeah, because a huge debt shared by fewer people increases the stress on all of them.


May 26 11 at 11:14 am

Oh yes - we must stop the genocide of abortion. We need those young 18 yr olds to supply us with gunfire fodder for the wars. Definitely.

May 27 11 at 12:04 am

I hate the "glad I wasn't aborted!" argument. If you don't exist, then you don't feel happy/sad/smug about anything. It's weak and irrelevant.
We are also not in desperate need for an increase of population. "Breed more" is not a solution to any of ours problems, debt related or otherwise.

May 25 11 at 1:50 pm

Glad someone mentioned Maria Bamford, who is both far funnier and far more attractive than Handler, who appeals to me in no way at all. And it's really rich to hear her rant about the state of American culture. I mean...her contribution isn't exactly high-toned, is it?

May 25 11 at 7:09 pm

Exactly. She's hitting the low brow lcd.

May 26 11 at 2:57 am

What does the level of attraction have to do with anything?

May 25 11 at 3:24 pm

@philosopher contemplate this: which is better, this current "genocide", or the future of millions of ecorefugees because we failed to stem population growth and destroyed natural processes for the sake of "progress"? and fyi, the TVA built that dam anyway a decade from now, ask the countries of south east asia how they feel about dams

May 25 11 at 7:08 pm

You're one of the many reasons I am pro life.

May 25 11 at 8:04 pm

please elaborate

May 25 11 at 10:19 pm

Do you really want this asshat sexist to elaborate an ignorant point of view?

May 26 11 at 9:02 am

@nix - Show your committment to avoiding the scourge of "ecorefugees" by removing yourself from the population pool.

May 28 11 at 11:58 pm

I thought you were sooo pro-life, what happened??

May 25 11 at 4:01 pm

Had children when I wanted to, no accident and never a close call in 20 years of sex before having kids. Chelsea must have been too stupid to fuck responsibly. Its not that difficult really.

May 25 11 at 6:36 pm

Chelsea never even said how she became pregnant. For all you know, she could have been raped...So why don't you calm down and get off your high horse? Thanks.

May 25 11 at 6:48 pm

I'm glad that your responsibility paid off. Obviously, correct and consistent use of birth control drastically reduces one's odds of unwanted pregnancy. Still, I'd like to remind everyone reading this that... drum roll... shit happens. Even when you're doing everything right. I had an abortion in the recent past due to an unwanted pregnancy that occurred despite my religious use of protection. I felt relieved and like myself again after the abortion, and know that it was the right decision for me. It just bugs me that some people who claim to be pro-equality and pro-choice are so quick to assume that if a woman has an unplanned pregnancy, it's because she was too stupid or uneducated to use proper protection. It's insulting and untrue.

That is all.

May 25 11 at 7:10 pm

If she was raped, and really wants, as if she REALLY needs the sympathy, she should just come out and say it instead of making herself look bad.

May 25 11 at 7:11 pm

I hope you tell your future husband, if you find one, what happened due to your irresponsibility,recklessness and immaturity, so he can make the judgement over whether you're worth it or not.

May 25 11 at 8:56 pm

Hey "bitches ain't shit"-- you are disgusting.

Also, what are the chances you're single?

May 25 11 at 10:21 pm

@YouWishYouHadABitch, it's not a woman's job to reveal her personal and medical history so you can prevent yourself from being an assumptive, judgmental douchebag.

May 26 11 at 2:28 am

No I'm not single if you must know. @Parker, uh yes it is. What if I have certain morals or things I object too, and I don't want to be with someone who has done those things? Don't I have a say? Don't I have a choice? If someone I am with has had an abortion, I sure shit want to and have the right to know. So I guess you do condone lying and manipulation then eh? So, if someone has or had an STD, I,or you, doesn't have the right to know? Wow. Talk about crazyness. Assuptive? Who's assuming anything? I want to hear the whole truth/story so/before I can make a decision. I'm not going to get suckered into anything I don't want to be it.

May 26 11 at 6:03 pm

Who are you to say she should "come out and say it" if she was raped? Why should people do anything just because you think they should?

While I have no idea how she became pregnant, I really doubt that Chelsea Handler will give two shits that "BitchesAintShit from" thinks it makes her look bad.

May 25 11 at 4:08 pm

People who have had abortions are stupid?

May 26 11 at 9:06 am

Manifestly too stupid to avoid pregnancy.

May 26 11 at 9:57 am
Danielle Gibson

The only 100% fool-proof way to avoid pregnancy is abstinence, dum-dum. Who wants that?!

May 25 11 at 4:51 pm

Agreed with pretty much every comment here. I don't find her funny and I find these statements pretty fucking ironic coming from her, but taken by itself, she's right, and go her for admitting to having had an abortion (although it would be better if it came from someone whose entire TV persona wasn't joking about how much of a slut they are).

May 25 11 at 5:52 pm


May 25 11 at 6:03 pm
G Unit

>16 and Pregnant. Getting rewarded for being pregnant when you’re a teenager? Are you serious?< I've worked with MTV in the past, they don't pay much and considering the cost I'm experiencing raising kids now. not worth it. You don't reward bad behavior, unless you run a porn business.

May 25 11 at 7:12 pm

a-men. Mtv is ruining society.

May 25 11 at 7:57 pm

Abortions for all!

May 26 11 at 9:06 am

Starting with you.

May 27 11 at 10:32 am

Obvious troll is obvious.

May 25 11 at 10:00 pm

She's irritating, but one thing she's right about is that when I was a teenager (I'm 25 now, not that long ago), getting pregnant was NOT something to celebrate. That was the one thing I was most terrified of ever having tell my parents... I would have (much, much) sooner told them I was mainlining black tar heroin.

May 25 11 at 11:02 pm

With a name like "BitchesAintShit" it seems like you'd be willing to blow your tiny load into any willing orifice, be it a cervix or my a-hole. But you're pro-life so that means you're totally respectable. Big ups to you, you big piece of shit. I hope that the 35% of the women that you know find out how much of an arrogant fuck you are, because that's how many who've had an abortion - the same women who are our sisters, neices, aunts, grandmothers, mothers, current lovers, past lovers, and friends. So please, by all means, be exhalted in your righteousness, and go tie your balls in a knot.

May 26 11 at 2:33 am

No, I wouldn't be willing to blow my load in any orifice, I just chose the name for attention/to get to people, and it seems to be working. Your A-Hole? Nah. I don't fuck guys. No homo over here brah. Well, I will find out if she has had an abortion before she finds out what "arrogant fuck" I am, which I'm really not and I know you're just saying that because our values don't vibe, which is fine with me and seems to bother you more than it does me, if anyone close to me, sister,mother,aunt,girls I am seeing,freinds, had an abortion, I would disown them and have nothing to do with them. I'm not going to be taken for a sucker. Oh yeah. I REALLY want to be with someone after they've been knocked up and then decided to kill the kid? Oh yeah. No fucking way am I getting involved in that mess. I guess I am an arrogant fuck, and you know what, I like that. Hey, could be worse. Well, I can and will be righteously exalted if you can allow the murder of the unborn to happen. Not going to change my mind for shit. Sounds like someone can't handle someone who disagrees with them.

May 26 11 at 2:37 am

I was going to say something else,but I forget. I've said enough I think. Wow. You people really let what someone online of all places says get to you. I'm flattered.

May 26 11 at 3:04 am

I honestly don't think that anyone sensible enough to be even remotely pro-choice would be involved with you, so I wouldn't worry!

May 26 11 at 12:47 pm

So anyone who isn't pro-choice doesn't make sense? Really? Hmm,smells funny....

May 25 11 at 11:51 pm

It's refreshing to hear her admit she had an abortion? It's funny how she says that makes her want to kill someone. Newsflash: you already did babe. Hooksexup just gets more and more repulsive.

May 26 11 at 12:25 am

@BitchesAintShit- Wow. You're a total and complete mess. Why don't you worry about your own life- it sure sounds like you need some serious help. Maybe you could stumble your way to a free clinic? Leave the rest of us the hell alone.

May 26 11 at 2:36 am

Mess? No. Do I have my problems? Hey,who doesn't? I am worried about my own life. Sounds to me like someone doesn't like those who don't see the same as them. But hey, you pro-choicers and other assorted freak shows reak or hypocrisy, so no surprise there. I am worried about my own life. What makes you think I'm not? I mean, I figured my selfless concern for others would be recognized? Oh but that's right, look who I'm dealing with....

May 26 11 at 9:09 am

@Hello - What's the problem with BAS? Why should he have less access than you? I enjoy his views. Are you too close-minded?

May 26 11 at 12:47 pm

Do you mean that, or are you patronizing/mocking me? Cause I don't need to be patronized nor can I not handle mocking. Just be honest about it.

May 26 11 at 1:39 am

Hmm. What she says on her show and in the Times is neither profound nor intelligent. I'm bored with these mediocre looking, middling "comediennes" obscuring real talent. I refuse to defend her just because the media doesn't want to acknowledge stronger representatives of talent for my gender. She sucks. Viva Maria Bamford!

May 26 11 at 2:36 am

I applaud her actions. This is a woman who isn't posturing a sense of "empowerment" she just lives a sane life.

May 26 11 at 9:10 am

Apparently she feels empowered enough to terminate a life that is not her own.

May 26 11 at 5:56 pm

Actually, I think that has nothing to do with empowerment, and more to do with the fact that it's a legal procedure women can elect to have.

And I would argue that out of all the other fully-formed humans involved, the "life" that was terminated was more hers than anyone elses, since it was growing inside her body.

May 26 11 at 2:51 am

I hate Chelsea Handler, but I have to admit that she's right about stupid fucking shows l 16 And Pregnant. When MTV is having comercials glorifing teen pregnancy then we as a country have gone wrong some where. I truely do believe more people shoule be aborting their children, because there are to many pieces of shit out there with kids who can barely take care of themselves, little lone their little bastard abominations. If you want to get on your fucking religuos high horse go ahead, but I'm not buying what your selling because I don't feel ever life is precious, especaily if it's not a living organism yet.

May 26 11 at 9:10 am

"little lone" pretty much says it all.

May 26 11 at 3:05 am

Come on, children.

The key to being pro-CHOICE here involves excepting that women can choose to either keep or abort their foetus.

What really needs to happen is people to stop teaching abstinence and start teaching practical sex ed in places like the US but somehow I don't see that happening anytime soon.

May 26 11 at 7:51 pm

You should've stuck to praising her for speaking out against what's BS in our culture, and admitting that she had an abortion and it was the right thing to do. Why did you then have to cut her down by calling her bitter and annoying?

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