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The Obama campaign is selling a Joe Biden coozi

Joe Biden might be making an appearance at your next backyard barbeque! Just kidding. He's not allowed to speak to that many people at one time. But America's dancing bear will be there in spirit if you pick yourself up one of these official Obama for America campaign coozis:


Joe biden america's dancing bear

As if we needed any more proof that our Vice President is a spectacular joke. But I still think it's hilarious that they've decided to hedge their bets and say it's for keeping soda cold. Soda and Wild Turkey, perhaps. Also, look! It's got a zoom bar, for checking out the fine American craftsmanship, or maybe the craggy visage of our VP.

I can't decide whether this is refreshing or appalling. If you're going to be the laughing stock of American politics... is it better or worse to allow that image to be openly endorsed by your own campaign? I don't know if giving Joe Biden's impossible awkwardness even more attention is going to make him any more well-regarded. Well, at ten bucks a coozi, at least he can say he's doing something useful.

Commentarium (12 Comments)

Oct 14 11 - 8:46pm

Nice that we have an obviously senile old man as back up for Barry.

Oct 15 11 - 2:43am

Keep in mind, I voted for a senile old man (McCain) and his bimbo know-nothing (Palin) so I am obviously an authority on about these things!

Oct 15 11 - 1:32pm
Copycat liberal

Much like Obama, err Barry, I don't have a real name.

Oct 15 11 - 1:52pm

My name is Jr, Real Jr, Riiiight, Comma, Anon, among many others. Oh, and now you can add Copycat liberal to that list!

Oct 15 11 - 4:15pm
Barry Jihad

Yawn. Yarn

Oct 15 11 - 5:17pm

Oh, clever! You tied Obama to Jihad! Yawn.

Oct 15 11 - 8:25pm

Don't forget Koch Bros. And also any word that begins the sentence that I then finish in the comments. That's what the real assholes do.

Oct 15 11 - 9:45pm

You need it.

Oct 15 11 - 9:46pm
Dumb Trolls

Vote conservatroll, 2012!!

Oct 16 11 - 5:10pm
George Soros

Vote Soros Puppet 2012!

Oct 16 11 - 6:30pm
Oh Hey Look

More failed conservatrolling!

Oct 17 11 - 12:06am
Original Ideas

Conservatrolls don't know what we are.

Now you say something