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Barack Obama is living in 2008

President Obama

Barack Obama is a stressed-out guy, surely. And I bet he signs his name a lot more often than I do. Still, it's a trifle alarming that the leader of the free world has no fucking idea what year it is. 

Earlier today, on his visit to Westminster Abbey, Barack and Michelle Obama signed the guest book. The President wrote, "It is a great privilege to commemorate our common heritage, and common sacrifice," in slick, presidential script, signed his name, and then wrote "24 May 2008," which was the date exactly 1095 days ago. Where are aides when you need them? 

Explanations abound. Most probably, he just spaced out. Although, there is a small but distinct possibility that he's had a freak episode of amnesia, which might also explain why he's spent the last week gallivanting around the U.K. drinking beer instead of getting his picture taken with tornado victims.

Also possible: he's quite literally living in the past. 2008 was probably a very fun year in the life of Barry. 

More About Barack Obama

Comments ( 18 )

May 24 11 at 4:44 pm

Dang - this only makes him 234 times smarter than Bush now.

May 25 11 at 10:58 am

lol - using Obama's idiocy to slam Bush. Classic!

May 24 11 at 5:01 pm

Remember on the campaign when he had another spat of amnesia and thought there were 56 states in the Union? That was funny.

May 25 11 at 2:55 pm

haha No! I don't remember this! Youtubed?

May 24 11 at 6:42 pm

Yeah cause Obama should cancel a massive trip to Europe which has been planned for months and is strengthening ties with important allies (both economic and military), and generally improving the standing of the US around the world. He has already said he will visit tornado hit areas when he returns. It's not as if he is sitting in the white house or eating cake with a senator instead of visiting.

May 24 11 at 7:02 pm

Yeah, you're right. I almost didn't write that. But then, I was like, this is a post that pre-supposes the President had a stroke and doesn't know what year it is -- it'll probably come off as a joke.

May 24 11 at 8:35 pm

I got the joke. I am big Obama fan and even I can admit this was a funny mistake on his part. PeteE, stop acting like a republican with that defensiveness.

May 25 11 at 12:16 am

Dudes, if Bush would have done this, you'd be calling for his impeachment on the grounds of mental instability. With Obama, it's just plain quirky!

You guys are haters, pure and simple.

May 25 11 at 7:11 am

Critic -- Don't you think that's a bit extreme?

I'll put it this way: Bush 43 had a way with blunders, didn't he? Remember the time he severely invaded the chancellor of Germany's personal space on camera at an international conference? Or the time he tried to evade the press by going through a fake door at a meeting with another head of state? I could continue, but I'm sure you get the point.

Makes Obama's space cadet moment seem relatively minuscule by comparison, doesn't it?

May 25 11 at 11:00 am

57 states? A trillion dollar stimulus that cost 1M jobs? Healthcare that balloons the deficit? $500M cut to Medicare?

I'll take Bush's gaffes over BHO's any time.

May 25 11 at 6:45 pm

I don't think GreenEyeshade got that joke...

May 24 11 at 7:14 pm

This re-defines the slow news day.

May 24 11 at 10:50 pm

took the words out of my mouth

May 24 11 at 8:21 pm

You have to admit he has an awesome signature though

May 25 11 at 11:15 am

I've done that so many times... lol

May 25 11 at 12:05 pm

Hey the beer drinking was in Ireland, which is definitely no longer part of the UK.

Jul 22 11 at 11:18 am

You are so awemsoe for helping me solve this mystery.

Jul 23 11 at 12:53 pm

Umm, are you really just givnig this info out for nothing?

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