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...and by "someone brilliant," I mean someone at the gay news blog Unicorn Booty. According to the comments section, the artist goes by the name of "Anus_Blender." So in a few decades or so, when our kids are cramming for their AP Art History exams and they ask us to help them ID the pointillist masterworks, we'll know exactly what to tell them about Seurat's La Grande Jatte, Signac's Femmes au Puits, and Anus_Blender's Portrait of Rick Santorum Made Entirely out of Gay Porn.

As you can see, the portrait of America's favorite homophobe (NSFW, kinda, unless you work for a drill-do manufacturer or something) is composed of thousands of stills from gay porn movies. You can't quite see what's going on in specific detail unless you look up close (although one Gawker commenter astutely points out that Santorum's eyebrow is "made up, in part, by images of a dude's ass literally being drilled, trailing power cord and everything"), but like that famous sketch of the young girl who turns into an old hag when viewed from another angle, it's one of those things that once you've seen it, you can't really un-see. 

So to conservatives and liberals, gays and non-gays, and Anus Blenders and non-Anus Blenders alike, here's your fine art appreciation lesson of the day. And yes, you will be asked to write a visual analysis on this art object, so I strongly advise you to study it carefully, under your covers, with the blinds drawn and your laptop on your stomach, for the remainder of the evening. 

Commentarium (1 Comment)

Mar 03 12 - 5:00am

to view interesting comments of BILL MAHER about RICK SANTORUM

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