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The ten best signs at this weekend's pro-choice rallies

When Republicans passed a bill to eliminate federal funding for Planned Parenthood clinics, I'm sure they expected backlash. What they did not anticipate, I imagine, is that the backlash would in the form of witty, referential signage from a generation steeped in internet and pop culture.

The ever-present "my body, my choice" signs could still be seen at many of the pro-choice rallies that took place across the country this weekend, but alongside them were a multitude of meme and Jersey Shore references. Enjoy ten of the best.

The Bill O'Reilly Meme Reference

pro-choice rally signs


The Hipster Cartoon Reference


The Star Wars Reference


The Sassy Gay Friend Reference


The Jersey Shore Reference

pro-choice rally sign


The Literary Reference


The Lorena Bobbitt Reference


The Kanye West Reference

pro-choice rally signs


The Racist Advertisement Reference

pro-choice rally signs


The Truth

More About planned parenthood

Comments ( 9 )

Feb 28 11 at 1:59 pm
Big B

I love it when they kill babies!

Feb 28 11 at 2:46 pm

Nice one, big troll.

Feb 28 11 at 2:52 pm

And nobody kills like "pro-choice" people. Bomb a clinic? Stroll into church and shoot a doctor in the head? That's pro-choice!

Feb 28 11 at 2:58 pm

Don't forget pro-war, pro-death penalty, pro-gun, etc.

Feb 28 11 at 3:58 pm

If a fetus is a person, can it commit assisted suicide?

Feb 28 11 at 4:00 pm

No, it's incompetent.

Feb 28 11 at 7:28 pm

Wow, you took the Buzzfeed list and made it shorter.

Mar 01 11 at 1:01 am

Is it just me, or are a lot of these pictures not loading?

Mar 01 11 at 9:47 am

Nope, not loading for me either, except the bottom few.

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