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Klondike ads are sexist all of a sudden

What's going on, ads for Klondike? I feel like it was only yesterday when I'd see you during TGIF's scheduled commercial breaks, innocuously selling ice cream by asking silly questions. "Hey, Shakespeare," you'd holler. "Would you write a TV sitcom for a Klondike bar?" "Methinks not!" the indignant Bard would reply, just like you wanted him to.

But that was then. Apparently when no one was looking, Klondike decided to run with a weird anti-wife, anti-bromance strategy for its ads. Think dumb beer commercials, but with ice cream.

Or instead of thinking it, see it. The following video, which Feministing pans for its "healthy dose of blatant sexism," stars a man "actually listening to his wife" for five seconds, a feat for which he's rewarded ice cream.

And then there's this next one, featuring two men who somehow manage to hold hands for, yep, five seconds.

So in the Klondike universe, dudes never have actual conversations with their wives and abstain from outwardly expressing friendship with others, instead leading lonely lives in which they deny themselves any sort of human connection. Man, that's the kind of sad stuff that makes me want a bucket of ice crea — hey! Yous guys!

Comments ( 15 )

May 03 11 at 9:31 pm

Have you actually tried listening to a woman for 5 seconds?

May 03 11 at 10:00 pm

Yeah, but their words were too big so I just went back to fondling my balls and watching cartoons.

May 03 11 at 10:04 pm

Perfect MC, perfect!

May 03 11 at 10:41 pm

lol awesome

May 04 11 at 12:23 am

In this day and age, shouldn't they be called "Klonlesbian" bars?

May 04 11 at 2:50 am

Lol'd heartily.

May 04 11 at 12:25 am

Um, Klondike what's your problem? I'm doing anything for you anymore.

May 04 11 at 4:41 am

The first one seems more to be calling men simple beings with short attention spans. And the second one...straight guys just don't hold hands. I don't even know any straight women who hold hands. Friends don't hold hands, unless they're 4.

May 04 11 at 8:48 am

Thank you for the explanation, man. I thought I was just watching stupid-ass commercials trying to be edgy with hackneyed commonplace. Now I see they're actually social commentary.

May 04 11 at 9:01 am

Hey, at least it was better than their first version, which asked the woman to shut her pie-hole for five seconds.

May 04 11 at 9:26 am

....and then back-handed her.

May 04 11 at 3:03 pm

And she still didn't get him a sandwich.

May 04 11 at 9:23 am

Isn't the first one sexist against men rather than women?

May 04 11 at 3:58 pm

I think's really stereotyping the dude. Like the Vick's "man-cold" ad ( Most of these commercials reinforce both male and female stereotypes, though. A good example is the McDonald's ad featuring a couple eating breakfast. The husband says something like, "It's going to rain today, guess I can't paint the garage" and his smug wife retorts with "great, we can go shop for blinds." (Oh dip!) Anyway, so men are idiots always trying to shirk responsibility and women are naggy consumers who trick their husbands into domestic blah blah. It's sort of like watching Everybody Loves Raymond.

May 04 11 at 2:19 pm

Are comercials not supposed to be funny. Why is everything have to be sexist or biggoted. I mean if dude would have said " Gina" because she natuarly looks like a gina " I wish you'd put your mouth to better use, by you know" cut to dude looking at his crotch. cut the wife looking shocked then finaly going down. then the women pop with klondike bars and banner saying congratulations, then I could see some outrage. but this was just dumb funny. As for the 2 dudes, it plays on the tough guy homophobia, and it's funny. It's not I fags nasty.

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