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Levi Johnston on Bill Maher

During a live broadcast of Real Time With Bill Maher on Friday night, Levi Johnston was forced to endure questions about condoms, his relationship with Bristol Palin, Dancing With The Stars, and his ridiculous "campaign" for Mayor of Wasilla. Of course, the campaign itself is a stunt for a reality show, but does that justify having to put up with this kind of public battering?

The best part: "I don't even know if you're a Republican or a Democrat." "We're debating that." Debating that? Crazy idiots vs. stupid idiots? What's to debate?

Watch the full clip:

As the most hated man in Alaska (according to recent polls), Johnston has an impossibly long road ahead if he wants anyone to take his phony campaign seriously.

Commentarium (8 Comments)

Oct 25 10 - 1:12pm

The most hated man in Alaska? Surely a minor point when he's somewhat related to the dumbest person in America.

Oct 25 10 - 1:55pm
mr. man

wow he's dumb

Oct 25 10 - 7:12pm

you should've seen him getting slaughtered on the view. it was so bad that even my mum who understood one sentence out of three was cringing. granted, this guy is so dumb its a crime for him to contribute to the gene pool (which he did, twice)

Oct 26 10 - 4:12am

ask him about guns

Dec 25 10 - 10:01pm

The guy's obviously dumber than a load of bricks, but I still felt bad for him. It was hardly fair to be ganged up on by a couple of old condescending pricks.

May 12 11 - 8:38pm

I live in Alaska and what poll are they talking about seriously he not even worth time to sit and bitch about and no one talks about him in Alaska id never even heard of him until i started watching other shows hes not an important person hes an idiot who got some chick who happened to be the daughter of someone who's somewhat famous pregnant. And since when is Sarah Palin stupid shes got more education then 75% of America and probably more than you. And im not just saying that people cause im a republican because im not she might have different views from you but that does not make her stupid. And shes obviously a strong woman she went back to work three days after having her last baby. Yea Levi's definately an idiot but why does that mean Sarah is.

Sep 08 11 - 6:58pm

I declare you king and/or queen of all rambling, nonsenical run-on sentences!

May 31 11 - 9:49pm

The Palins are just overall dumb and they found someone dumber to make them seem smart. But even getting a man with a 20 iq couldnt help them with that.

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