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I'm not sure who takes Bill O'Reilly seriously. Much like Nickelback, I've never actually met anyone who copped to liking him, or, at the very least, thinking he was anything more than just another interchangeable talking head with more lung power than intellectual capacity. But apparently, he knows how to accurately rate his scope of influence better than I do.

From a recent interview with Newsweek:

"I have more power than anybody other than the president, in the sense that I can get things changed, quickly. I don't have to go through the legislative process; I don't have to do any of that. I can just bring it to the people, and say, look, this has gotta be dealt with."

Bill's obviously got huge ratings night after night, but I kind of think he's overestimating the scope of his influence here. It's a bit like Kanye's "voice of a generation" quote — being the loudest and most shrill doesn't necessarily mean you have anything to say, just as being the top talking head on cable news doesn't mean you have any kind of real power.

But, ye gods, maybe he's right. Looking at someone like Sarah Palin, who's garnered far more influence and power through her full-court media press than by doing any actual politicking, it's actually a stirring argument for the power of Media Personality as Leader. 

Not to mention the Tea Party, whose dearth of actual ideas and policies is superseded by their populist rhetoric at every turn. 

It seems to me that people, confronted with such a dizzying array of material from such a wide variety of mediums, are clamoring more and more towards ready-made opinions that they can raise a fist to — exactly the market that O'Reilly and his ilk tap into. 

Commentarium (9 Comments)

Sep 20 11 - 11:27am

Even if we just limit the field to media wingnuts, he doesn't have the pull of Rush L.

Sep 20 11 - 12:04pm

I think Letterman summed up O-Reilly better (and to his face) "I think 60 percent of what you say is complete crap".

Sep 22 11 - 2:13am

Before or after Letterman lied about schtupping his assistants?

Oct 02 11 - 5:29am

Before or after Bill O'Reilly settled out of court in his sexual harrassment case?

Sep 20 11 - 12:29pm

There are literally hundreds of millions of Americans who have never seen or heard Bill O'Reilly. They're lucky.

Sep 21 11 - 2:04am

Aren't there only about 310 million people in the U.S.? I think your estimate is a little high.

Sep 20 11 - 1:56pm

Breathing his own, um, exhaust.

Sep 21 11 - 2:05am

"I kind of think he's overestimating the scope of his influence here."

Absolutely right. The media has a vested interest in appearing to be influential (otherwise, what's the point of advertisements?). Grandiose statements like this perpetuate that fiction. I doubt O'Reilly can point to any piece of legislation or social change that he can prove he was the cause of.

Sep 22 11 - 2:15am
Hay, Boob!

He doesn't do well among leathery racists but then leathery racists tend to listen to him before judging the content of his show.

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