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Bill O'Reilly

A few weeks or so ago, Bill O'Reilly gave us all the giggles when he asked — and I'm paraphrasing here — "Fucking tides, how do they work?" Since that's something we all learned in the third grade, right after the lesson on igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. The moon does it, Bill. The moon.

But, his willful quest to discard intelligence in the name of God continues unfalteringly. In a new video, he answers a viewer's letter on the aforementioned idiocy:

"How'd the moon get there? How'd the sun get there? How'd it get there? Can you explain that to me? How come we have that, and Mars doesn't have it? Venus doesn't have it? How come they don't have that? Why not? How'd it get here?

Such a flurry of rapidly repeated questions I have never heard. Questions that, I'm sure, would leave all the nine-year-old Hermione Grangers with their hands raised saying "I know, I know!" (Since, for the record, Mars has two moons. And it rotates around the same sun we do.) 

To be fair, if you watch the whole video, the actual idea he's proposing isn't totally at odds with evolutionary theory — in fact, it's a compromise that some pretty high-profile scientists have made: evolution occurred, like the fossils say it did, but some deity or other is responsible for kicking the whole thing off, for causing the Big Bang and whatnot. 

But it's still troubling that he has to present it as dumb polemical head-scratching, a sort of aggressive bafflement that refuses to be taught, and is more likely to leave American Tea Partiers shaking their fists that that socialist ball of cheese in the sky, than to actually try to learn something about astronomy, science, or religion. 

Commentarium (18 Comments)

Feb 02 11 - 5:03pm

Hey Bill, we're not relying on faith and luck to know how the moon got there...we're relying on this thing called science.

Feb 02 11 - 5:15pm

Will someone take Mr.O'Reilly to Egypt - is any of you can find it on a map - and subject him to a shit-kicking just like that other guy got? Thanks.

Feb 02 11 - 5:30pm

The difference between O'Reilley and a scientist is, the scientist says, "I don't know, let's find out." and O'Reilley says, "I don't know, therefore God must have done it."

Feb 02 11 - 5:57pm

KingPellinore gets +1

Feb 02 11 - 6:01pm

Oh Jesus, Bill, open a fucking book.

Feb 02 11 - 7:49pm

Thousands of years ago a great evil was coming to earth and the Fifth Element stopped it. That evil became our moon.

Feb 02 11 - 7:57pm

As a scientist, I would like to slap him in the visage.

Feb 02 11 - 11:34pm


Feb 03 11 - 12:27am
D. Warner

Bill must have been an Arby's....parking lot.

Feb 03 11 - 1:37am
The Mad Zak

I am a Christian, but the last guy on earth I would want defending my beliefs is Bill O. Oh wait, the last guy would be Rush, the second to the last would be Bill O. Moron. Not every Christian believes the world was literally created in 6 days. Some of us believe the Big Bang happened, and a "day" Genesis is meant to mean a phase, and not a literal 24 hour period. If you think of it in those terms the descriptions in Genesis follow the Big Bang theory exactly.

Oct 20 11 - 6:28am

LOL sure it does

Feb 03 11 - 3:08am
Vinegar Bend

This guy is a willful ignoramus. He's not even trying. I have to assume he somehow figures this is what his audience wants. Maybe he's right.
Here's a clue though. Just because you can't explain something (and you should be able to) doesn't mean "God did it." Believing in God just by default - which many, many people do - isn't much faith at all, really.

Feb 03 11 - 4:05am

Bil: the moon is the reminence of an intergalactic war which happened in a universe far, far away but the resulting explosion blasted the remaining debris thousands of light years to there current position.
This intergalatic civil war was Frobisher in the 70's over 3 feature length films called Star Wars

Feb 03 11 - 4:12am

WTF, Mars has 2 moons you dumb ass
well we can definitely tell he was bad at science

Feb 03 11 - 10:03am
Jean Poole

I would like scientists to explain how Bill O'Reilly got there.

Feb 03 11 - 11:17am

It only takes more faith to believe in science when you don't understand it.

Feb 03 11 - 11:50am

There's such a thing as the Science Channel, Bill. All you have to do is just sit there.

Feb 07 11 - 3:31pm

Oh Bill. You are such a tease.

Now you say something

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