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Glenn Beck's ratings are down 39% from last year

Rejoice, as Glenn Beck's popularity seems to be declining as quickly as it ascended. In 2009, Beck's TV show had a staggering 2.8 million viewers. (Imagine all those people voting gleefully for some of the worst ideas in the history of American ideology. It chills the blood.) Today, he's down to 1.8 million, which is still appalling but represents progress. A quick recap of Beck's greatest hits:

        • claimed that Barack Obama was a "racist" with "a deep-seated hatred of white people"

        • told his audience he "could not disprove" the existence of FEMA-run concentration camps rounding up conservatives

        • suggested shooting Guantanamo detainees

        • claimed that Al Gore was creating a "Hitler Youth"

        • etc, etc

Beck's ratings may be down, but Bill O'Reilly is apparently still feeling threatened, judging by his recent attempts to reclaim the mantle of "most ludicrous blowhard on television." Poll: do you think Glenn Beck knows how the moon got there? Did Barack Obama put it there as part of an Islamofascistosocialist plot? Stay tuned.

Tags Glenn Beck

Commentarium (5 Comments)

Feb 04 11 - 11:35pm

Revolution. You keep using that word Glenn Beck, I don't think it means what you think it means.

May 20 12 - 7:13pm

Someone should challenge him to a battle of wits with Iocane powder.

Feb 05 11 - 12:17pm

So did 39% of his former viewers get smarter, or pass on?

Feb 06 11 - 9:40pm

Down 39% and he still rules his time slot on cable. I don't think he's worried.

Feb 10 11 - 10:31am
Plain Jane

49% of the people are below average in intelligence and its a safe bet all his viewers are in that category. It's been proven by independent studies that people who list Fox as their primary news source are the least factually informed. Those who attend Beck's "university" are being brainwashed for crash political benefit, an easy job since they have so little brain to start with.

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