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The Wire was often lauded during its run for its commitment to realism, and this news reported by Baltimore crime reporter Justin Fenton should only help its reputation in that area. It seems that over the weekend, a man named Omar Little — yes, just like the popular character whom President Obama once called his favorite on all of TV — was arrested in that notoriously troubled city on a handgun charge. Boardwalk Empire fans don't need to worry about Chalky White, though; this is not like the time Felicia "Snoop" Pearson, who played a Wire character of the same name, was arrested on charges of drug possession. Actor Michael K. Williams is doing just fine.

Show creator David Simon insisted this was pure coincidence — meaning, I assume, that he did not name the character after this real person from Baltimore. (And not that he bribed a real-life Omar Little to commit a crime to get publicity for his show four years after it went off the air, for instance. That would be weird.)

But considering this and the teacher-turned-meth-producer arrested near Boston last month, it's clear that the walls between our realities and our favorite premium-cable dramas are crumbling. (Any reasonable person would come to this conclusion, right?) If this is the case, I'd like to make it known at this moment that I will physically fight you for Don Draper. You'll have to content yourself with zombies, New Orleans jazz musicians, rum runners, gruff frontiersmen, fairy waitresses, and more nude butts than you'll know what to do with.

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