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Megyn Kelly GQ pics

Megyn Kelly, the controversial Fox News anchor, is making her bid for the big time with a photo shoot and epic interview in this month's GQ.

The full interview is pretty interesting, mainly because Kelly comes off in a very positive light. But let's get right to the goodies, shall we?

[On Fox] It's certainly not an uptight place. Like today, I said "big-boobed" on air — I was quoting someone, in my defense — and you don't get in trouble for things like that at Fox.

It's not political. Television is a service, but it's also a business. And in choosing what you're going to put on your program, you have to figure out what's going to appeal to your audience and what's going to rate. When I came to Fox, I noticed that we wouldn't ignore stories having to do with home-schooled children being discriminated against. Will you see those kinds of stories on our competitors? I don't think so.  

[On Sean Hannity] We're friends. Even if you're a dyed-in-the-wool liberal, I'm sure you would enjoy him socially. At functions, he has time for everyone. He stops and says, "Tell me about your family, where you're from." He also has this line: "What are you a lib for? I'm going to Hannitize you!" [GQ]

Hannitize us? When it's over do we all have a spray-on tan, a smug look on our faces and end up forced to live on Long Island?

Commentarium (7 Comments)

Nov 23 10 - 2:49pm

What makes her a controversial news anchor? Googled the hell out of her and found no controversies associated with her.

And why would it be surprising she comes off in a good light?

I may not be a conservative woman but I appreciate that as a woman she's done well, and shouldn't be put upon just because of her association with a particular news network.

Please back up some of these statements with facts.

Nov 23 10 - 4:25pm

Po'd, it took me one hit to find something controversial. Perhaps you should pull up your pants and stop Googlign the hell out of her and just go to

Nov 23 10 - 5:43pm

I bet Hannity says "big-boobed" all the time around her. Wowza!

Nov 23 10 - 5:44pm

Though on second thought, is it me, or her head is way too big for her body? Photoshop SNAFU, Fox-style: as things go, this body is fairly unbalanced. Bada-bing!

Nov 26 11 - 12:49am

Photo could have been taken with a wide angle lens that was about breast level. She is leaning forward, so her head is closer to the camera and everything else recedes in the background. Tilting the camera might help the effect. Could be there is a photoshop way to do this as well.

Nov 24 10 - 11:09am

Really Well, an issue that current and former employees of the Justice Department have stated, that the Justice Department is only prosecuting voter rights issues when minorities are involved but not when whites are being denied their rights.
And it's not like this attitude in the JD is new with the current administration, it is an ongoing issue.

Nov 26 10 - 5:39pm

Fox isn't political like we're allies with North Korea.