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Watch: Natalie Portman in Sofia Coppola's new Dior ad

Look, Natalie Portman is pretty sexy in this commercial for Dior perfume, but it's just too unbelievable for me to really appreciate it. Who holds bottles of perfume against their mouth like an old pen during a Intro to Statistics lecture? Who wears sunglasses in a bath? Who wears dress pants to bed? I'm sorry, Sofia Coppola, but you're going to have to do better, no matter how banging Natalie is looking:

Related question: is Portman pregnant here? I know she's not that far along, but if she is, it seems like pregnancy is treating her really well.

Commentarium (4 Comments)

Feb 22 11 - 12:07pm

Wear this perfume and you will literally have to fight off men trying to pull you into bed! Wear this perfume and fight off date rape! Yay!

Feb 22 11 - 12:21pm

Perfume commercials are getting consitently crazier.

Feb 22 11 - 2:00pm
Judi Morgan

Natalie is so overrated... but SERGE lives!! Great classic song!

Feb 22 11 - 4:37pm
A Guy

Wear this perfume and you will be in every movie on the planet. Actually, you know what all classic films are missing? NATALIE FUCKING PORTMAN!!! Let's CGI Natalie into Citizen Kane, Lawrence of Arabia, Casablanca, The Godfather, The Graduate....all of 'em! Put her in all of 'em!!!! What this world needs is as much goddamn Natalie Portman as we can possibly get!!! Let's get Leo and The Inception team to plant her in our core subconscious so we do nothing but DREAM ABOUT HER AS WELL!!!! Actually, that probably explains it: Natalie paid Leo to plant her in every movie exec's mind. It's already too late. Wake up, Hollywood, WAKE UP!!!

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