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Well, it looks like someone over at the Sesame Street production office is a fan of Glee — this parody, in service of the letter G, is pretty spot on. Rachel is still terrible! And so is Mr. Schuester! And Mercedes still comes through at the top with some awesome diva melismas. (Though there's no Blaine, and that is just not acceptable.) Fun fact: this bit is far more coherent than the recent third-season premiere of the actual show, which was pretty much a giant mess of glitter and confusion! Maybe the people from Sesame Street should just take over for Ryan Murphy?

Quick poll: how many of you could stop thinking “gay, gay, gay, gay...” when the Kurt analog was listing off words that started with G? Everyone was thinking that, right? I couldn't have been the only one.

Quick poll number two: will kids get this? Because Glee, despite what some people think, is seriously not a show for children. (Scissoring jokes!) Is this just meant for the same old folks who would understand the True Blood bit from a few months ago?

Tags Glee

Commentarium (7 Comments)

Sep 22 11 - 1:48pm

The best children's shows have bits like this that kids don't, or at least aren't supposed, to get. That way parents can get a kick out of watching stuff with the kids.

Sep 22 11 - 4:50pm

Sesame has been doing parodies of popular adult shows for as long as I can remember. I actually find myself enjoying the show a lot more now then when I was a kid.

Sep 22 11 - 6:09pm

I think I still prefer the vintage abstract shapes videos.

Sep 22 11 - 7:35pm

Much more tolerable than actual Glee. And yes, Sesame Street has always done parodies of shows that are definitively not for kids- especially if you remember Law and Order: Special Letters Unit.

Sep 22 11 - 8:17pm

Was anyone else waiting for someone to spill the word "spot" out?

Sep 22 11 - 10:10pm

that was awesome!!!! yeah, they do this for the parents and big brother/sisters who have to watch with the little kids, makes it much more tolerable. so great

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