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Bert and Ernie

Speculation has swirled for years that Bert and Ernie are more than just friends, but the good folks over at Sesame Street have always kept mum on the issue. Thanks to the petition that's been making the rounds on the internet pushing for the puppets to get married, the show has finally broken its silence to tell the world that Bert and Ernie are not, repeat not, gay.

However, they're not exactly straight, either. Here's the show's official statement on the matter: 

"Bert and Ernie are best friends. They were created to teach preschoolers that people can be good friends with those who are very different from themselves.

Even though they are identified as male characters and possess many human traits and characteristics (as most Sesame Street Muppets do), they remain puppets, and do not have a sexual orientation."

Well, there you have it I guess. I don't think I'm alone in my choice to ignore this statement entirely and continue to fondly think of the pair as an adorable, cranky old gay couple. 

Commentarium (17 Comments)

Aug 11 11 - 6:39pm

Are you saying ABED and TROY aren't gay? =(

Aug 11 11 - 9:30pm

Muppets have sexual orientation. Look at Ms. Piggy.

Aug 12 11 - 12:01am
Bacon Sandwiches

Not necessarily. Mr. Piggy might simply like being addressed as a Ms, while decked in feminine acoutrements. As long as you don't actually know that this is or isn't the case, 'Ms' Piggy has no sexual orientation that you could or can conclusively discern.

Aug 12 11 - 10:53am

Is Ms. Piggy not in love with Kermit, a male frog?

Aug 12 11 - 3:03pm

Love, sure. But don't conflate that with sexual orientation necessarily (even if most of us like to do that, very much). Ms. Piggy and Kermit could be celibate.

Aug 11 11 - 10:11pm

They look like every lesbian couple that I've ever seen.

Aug 12 11 - 1:45pm
Rachelle Maddow

I'm told I resemble Bert.

Aug 11 11 - 11:59pm

See, this is why the gays can't have anything nice. Quit trying to sully ever facet of normal people's lives!

Aug 12 11 - 8:35am

Can't they be gay and not get married???

Aug 12 11 - 3:04pm

Aye aye!

Aug 12 11 - 8:48am

Can't they just be two puppets that kids love? Or must we sexualize even childrens' puppets?

Aug 12 11 - 11:04am

Yeah, why do we have to blast everything through the contrarian over-educated gender studies space laser?

Aug 12 11 - 3:05pm

Because we can, because it's fun, and because it doesn't hurt anybody.

Aug 13 11 - 7:09am

Except kids and you idiots don't really care about them, do you? Jackasses.

Aug 14 11 - 1:57pm

@CourtWatcher: hear, hear!

Aug 12 11 - 8:58am

If they were gay, Bert would have had that unibrow tweezed years ago...nuff said.

Aug 26 11 - 7:54pm

i agree with the statement that we shouldn't sexualize childrens puppets, but if you want them to be gay then why not just pretend they are for your own amusement?

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