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Quick straw poll: what does that image say to you? Something like "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus, and honey, can't I just get a blowie?" Or does it say "Rape?" I think it says rape, and apparently so did Belvedere, who pulled the ad within an hour after posting it to its social media channels.

Of course, because art (and advertising) is open to interpretation, there was, of course, a wide range of responses to the ad (some of which you can see above). Some people had the predictably shocked reaction, some people had the predictable (douchey) "lighten up" reaction. And some people had the (also, and sadly, predictable) reaction of "I could really use a drink right now."

Belvedere, for their part, wised up quickly enough and yanked the ad, offering this pro forma apology:

"We apologize to any of our fans who were offended by our recent tweet. We continue to be an advocate of safe and responsible drinking."

Marketing guys the world over, please learn from this. Don Draper at his most scotch-soaked would not approve an ad where a disheveled, bro-y guy with glazed-over eyes is seizing a terrified-looking woman and pulling her into/towards him. I know you have human rape P.S.A./grossest man alive Vincent Gallo shilling for you, but that's no reason to just go balls-out and say "Our product will help you get the mouth-hug you so richly deserve, even if it must be acquired by force."

Commentarium (15 Comments)

Mar 23 12 - 5:40pm

Manufactured controversy exists to create buzz from the subsequent reporting.

Way to play along Hooksexup!

Mar 24 12 - 3:02am

Did you miss their 100 articles on Lana Del what's her name?

Mar 23 12 - 8:20pm
that Guy

I assumed he just snuck it in her stink.

Mar 24 12 - 3:32am
i have to admit

i lol'd just a little

Mar 24 12 - 12:20am

So much for 'National day of No Outrage' looooool

Mar 24 12 - 10:51am

Well, if you feed her enough vodka it won't be a fight to get your knob polished. Yes indeed, vodka can save relationships! A bit more vodka and a drive up the old dirt road might be possible.

Mar 24 12 - 11:36am
Jeff @ DTM

Yeah, not so "predictable (douchey)" to say "lighten up" in this case. The intent of the ad wasn't to show rape at all, so for you guys to freak out is more on the douchey side, trust me.

Is the add good? appropriate? well thought out? No across the board, but that doesn't actually mean they were going for "rape" when they designed it. Use your fucking head.

Mar 24 12 - 7:48pm

Hey, look, a douche. Didn't predict that.

Mar 25 12 - 1:46pm

Yeah, I'm totally with you Jeff! I mean, it's not like adverting doesn't have any effects on the consumer and has any sort of measurable relationship between reinforcing or promoting harmful messages. Come on, who really thinks that marketing is an entire science devoted to analyzing public reaction and riding the coattails of exploitation and backlash?

Wait, that stuff is ALL TRUE.

Jeff, for your own good, it's time to stop being a slave to your naivete.

Mar 24 12 - 1:30pm

Vincent Gallo is a spokesman for Belvedere? Jeez, I actually like this vodka. Now I'll have to stop drinking it.

Mar 25 12 - 1:49pm

Uh, the AD put me off from Grey Goose, not Vincent Gallo.

Sad - I'm Grey Goose now and forever.

PS Which marketing agency reps Belvedere? I want to call THEM out for thinking that this is at all OK.

Mar 24 12 - 3:57pm

"Use your fucking head."

Yeah, it's all in my head - the part that can fucking read. "Unlike some people, Belvedere always go goes down smoothly," accompanying a picture of a guy holding back a frightened woman. Fuck you, rape-apologizing asshole. I hope you pull some shit like the guy in that ad, and end up in the slammer. Then we can all laugh at you when Bubba gives you a taste of your own medicine.

Mar 25 12 - 1:14pm

...Did you just say you hope some internet commenter becomes a rapist, because you disagreed with their internet comment?

Mar 26 12 - 7:26am


She wished rape upon them.

Mar 25 12 - 7:02pm

How would people react if it was a same-sex ad? With a frightened man being held back by a drunk looking man? I would still see it as rape inspired ad.

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