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Facebook rejects an ad showing two women kissing

Facebook, a company that has consistently felt the need to protect our virgin eyes, has previously apologized for removing photos of breastfeeding and gay men kissing. And they still went and rejected the above image for the Greek film Attenberg's PR campaign anyway. (To be fair, the photo is still featured on the movie's profile page.) Sure, the ad is more off-putting than salacious, but the tongue-touching depicted definitely isn't offensive. The advertiser, Swedish film distributor TriArt, has expressed disappointment and confusion, claiming they've used many photos of straight couples making out in the past without incident. 

Facebook's head of publicity in Sweden, Jan Fredriksson, however, is already claiming that technical factors, rather than the image's actual content, might have been to blame for the photo's removal:

"If the picture has been removed because there are two women kissing each other, then a mistake has been made. But there may be other reasons as to why the image was removed ... It may have been put up in the wrong way."

You got to hand it to those egalitarian Scandinavians to try and clear up any controversy. So could a harmless mistake have been made? Wrong! Facebook has since reinstated the ad and even released this apology:

"Upon investigation, we concluded the advertisement does not violate our guidelines and was removed in error. The ad is now running, and we apologize for the inconvenience."

TriArt is probably now thanking Facebook for such great, inadvertent publicity for a film we probably wouldn't have even heard of otherwise.

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Comments ( 14 )

May 09 11 at 4:00 pm

Wow, if that's kissing, then I've been doing it wrong for years. That looks like a momma bird feeding regurgitated worm to a baby bird or possibly an alien life form trying to move from one host to another. What a radically unsexy image.

May 10 11 at 2:09 am

HAHA. Well, it turns out it does have to do with aliens. But yes, that is an awkward pose that should maybe not be shared on facebook? Or yes. I don't really care.

May 09 11 at 5:34 pm

That is an ugly picture. That's why they removed it. If they had been kissing decently, (instead of trying to steal each others soul orally,) it would've been removed.

May 09 11 at 5:38 pm

I don't think Facebook initially rejected the ad because it was two women kissing. I think they initially rejected the ad because it is just awkward. I've never seen anybody kiss like that. As far as I'm concerned, I think Facebook should have done everybody a favor, and kept it removed it.

May 09 11 at 6:06 pm
Andre Ramos

well its a pity, couse that one scene is one of the most important ones in the movie. Worth watching by the way. Its not meant to please or be sexy, but completely awkward
And unless you knew the movie you would never come across it.

May 09 11 at 7:21 pm

Trust me, I would never cum across it anyway

May 09 11 at 7:41 pm
Andre Ramos

i wonder if the usage of the word cum was in purpose ahahhah if so.. Fantastic hahahah

May 09 11 at 6:13 pm
Andre Ramos in case anyone gets intrigued

May 09 11 at 6:22 pm

Yeah, that isn't kissing. That is how alien races download memories. Perhaps Facebook is against downloading memories.

May 09 11 at 7:48 pm
Andre Ramos

its called Imprinting ahahaah

May 09 11 at 11:52 pm

"We are merely exchanging long protein strings. If you can think of a simpler way, I'd like to hear it."

May 10 11 at 1:51 pm

Score! PS Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.

May 10 11 at 12:57 am
Sexy Minx

Because Facebook is an expression of the lukewarm contemporary culture and since there is no longer a living breathing counter-culture (no crazy bipolar unpredictable working class slobs who say strange and stir the pot) everyone is now hip and politically correct and sensitive and two women kissing though a bit racy (everyone has seen it before and it made the parents uncomfortable) is just a bit gauche, no?

May 10 11 at 1:43 am
girl-on-girl action

I think what freaked out facebook is they got told the tongue in question belonged to the woman with curly hair.

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