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fake jake gyllenhaal photo

When a photo of Jake Gyllenhaal goofily posing like Grace Jones in her underwear emerged on the internet, many of us thought it was too good to be true. And of course it was (pretty obviously) Photoshopped, but still worth a chuckle. However, real Jake was not amused with fake Jake. He was so irked that he had his lawyers contact Buzzfeed (the site largely responsible for disseminating the pic) with a strongly worded letter urging them to take the photo down and threatening legal action if they didn't. You can read it in its entirety below. We're guessing they're not big fans of flamboyant, experimental disco-funk. 

I'm not sure why he's getting so riled up over faux-shirtless photos. It's not like there's a dearth of authentic ones on the internet, or even on his movie posters. His nearly-nude body plastered billboards and magazine covers for months during Love and Other Drugs promotional blitz last fall. Perhaps he wants people to know which abs are truly responsible for his floundering movie career. 

Jake Gyllenhaal's lawyer's letter


Commentarium (2 Comments)

May 18 11 - 9:15am

Hey, I've seen that face before.

May 18 11 - 2:19pm

I don't know if Buzzfeed is liable. They posted the picture, but they didn't make it, right?

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