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Christina Aguilera Super Bowl

Christina Aguilera will get a chance to rectify her lyrics mix-up: she's been asked to sing the National Anthem again. It's not, however, a total equivalent; she'll be singing for the Brooklyn Cyclones, the New York Mets' class A farm team. And not, you know, everyone in America. 

A funny — and yes, slightly gross — post about the woman with the twenty-inch nails. Her life goals include winning a world record and perhaps meeting Oprah. 

After years of women wearing their boyfriends' shirts, or shirts marketed as boyfriend-shirts, the tables have finally turned. Levi's is making a pair of insanely tight jeans for men called "ex-girlfriend jeans." No one knows if she's your ex because you kept wearing her clothes. 

And finally, if you're trying to keep abreast of the situation in Egypt, but having a hard time, watch this video. It's informative and yet totally adorable. 

Commentarium (1 Comment)

Feb 08 11 - 10:18pm

The girl is super cute!

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