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Donald Glover

Do you want to know what kind of toothpaste Donald Glover uses? Do you want to know what he likes on his pizza? Have any other strange, invasive, useless questions for Troy from Community? Head over to Reddit, check out his AMA (Ask Me Anything) thread, and get those questions answered.

Anthony Weiner, everybody's favorite (kind of douche-y) Democrat, takes aim at the House Republicans again with his latest sarcastic rant. This time he teaches the GOP a thing or two about the Constitution and how a bill becomes a law. It doesn't really get funny until he pulls out the children's book House Mouse, Senate Mouse and conducts a little story time.

I don't know how hopping on high-speed treadmills became a thing, but thank God it did. Watch this band of idiots put themselves through unnecessary physical pain and laugh at them. What else is the internet for?

And finally, a more somber message from one of our friends: "Recently, the Cool Material family lost one of our own due to suicide precipitated by bullying. My nephew took his life. To pay tribute to his short life and to help other kids who may be dealing with similar issues — we have started the Kindess Above Malice foundation."

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