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Tim Pawlenty

Haley Barbour, one of the Republican Party's best shots at beating Obama, has bowed out as a potential presidential candidate. What remains is a pretty weak group. Some feel that the party should just toss Tim Pawlenty into the lion's den, because he'd embarrass them the least. I disagree. I want to see the Donald get ripped to shreds.

Few things hurt the environmental movement more than the "Not In My Backyard" mindset. For a case study, check out these affluent New Jersey-ites who are apparently holding back the waves of progress, at least, according to the New York Times.

Jon Hamm and a little furry blue guy cruising the country-side in a convertible is, actually, just as entertaining as it sounds. Especially when it's set to trendy French pop. Check out the music video for Herman Dune's “Tell Me Something I Don’t Know."

And finally, rock stars are known the world over for having "fuck everybody" attitudes. They break shit, hit people, and wear clothes way too tight for public display. But somehow, we still love and admire them. Here's a list of the few things rock stars won't do.

More About Jon Hamm

Comments ( 7 )

Apr 30 11 at 9:09 am
Appears To Be

Maybe Pawlenty would embarrass them the least but he'd bore them the most

May 01 11 at 9:35 am

Haley Barbour had absolutely no chance of beating Obama -- less than Sarah Palin, and that should be saying something. Beyond the Gulf States, he is perceived as a closet racist and party insider. I really don't think moderate Republicans, white centrist Democrats and independents, seeing that guy side by side with Obama, could set aside an "ick" Southern big-business meets race feeling long enough to pull the lever for Barbour.

Pawlenty is your nominee, assuming Bachmann doesn't act the spoiler and throw it to Romney.

May 01 11 at 7:53 pm

African-American voters - 98 percent of whom who will cast their ballots for Obama in 2012 just like they did in 2008 - would be appalled at and its content.

I just wish Obama would have the courage to show those poor black voters who his real constituency is - liberal, left-wing anti-values urban hipsters such as David Warner.

May 02 11 at 10:28 am

Ironic = Publius. Publius = Troll. Et cetera.

May 02 11 at 10:59 am

I've met David, and I can confirm that he's extremely anti-values. It's remarkable how much that guy hates values.

May 02 11 at 4:10 pm

Isn't George H.W. Bush still eligible? He only served one term, and when he's 88 in 2012, he'll still be more mentally alert than his idjit son.

May 02 11 at 6:31 pm

She's tanned, she's rested, she has a reality show, millions follow her every move and her initials are S P ...............................................................................Snooki Polizzi in 2012!

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