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How's that for a quick turn-around? Just yesterday afternoon, in an effort to drum up business for his self-released comedy special, Louis C.K. signed onto Reddit in order to answer any questions that fans lobbed at him, which included everything from how the music for Louie is composed to if he remembers that time the hot chick in the audience tried to bang him. The results were, predictably, great.

But who would have thought that those dastardly minds working in the Taiwanese animation lab would have (a) thought this was a news story worth covering; (b) would have been able to compose and create an animation for it in less than 24 hours?

Watching the coverage for any event that's been Taiwanese animation'd is an exercise in abstract-art interpretation. In this one, evidently, when Louis C.K. answers questions from his fans, it's like he's unzipped his pants and started peeing "A's" onto all of their "Q's," which they happily receive, with smiles and all. And when he makes the audiences' heads roll in comedy clubs, it's extremely literal. And that "Money Monster" Louis C.K. referred in his Q&A? Well, just watch it:

Tags louis c.k.

Commentarium (2 Comments)

Dec 14 11 - 10:33am

Awful judgmental bunch, those Taiwanese animators.

Now you say something

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