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TSA Image

The geniuses who brought us the cartoon reenactment of Charlie Sheen's hotel room rampage are back with one of their best videos yet: a news report on the naked-and-groping TSA scandals.

If you're at work, be sure to cover your mouth before watching this... because it's damned hilarious:

On a more serious note, Gizmodo uncovered a collection of 35,000 images of travelers passing through American airports. They filed a Freedom Of Information Act request and received 100 images from that set, proving the TSA is indeed saving images of X-rayed travelers.

Commentarium (2 Comments)

Nov 18 10 - 3:37pm

You can't really see much on the Gizmodo stuff. The guy just looks like a white blob.

Nov 18 10 - 4:21pm

People should be enraged by this treatment, what right does the government have to search citizens without probable cause? It is a direct assault on our freedom.

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