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Mark Zuckerberg

In an unexpectedly rugged move, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has decided that this year, he's only eating meat if it comes from an animal that he personally killed. Who knew he had it in him? Zuckerberg explained in a recent interview that he wants to be "thankful for the food I have to eat. So far, this has been a good experience. I'm eating a lot healthier foods."

Apparently, a friend of Zuckerberg's has already taught him how to kill goats, chickens, and lobsters. Sustainable and kind of cool, but also a little horrifying to envision, no?

Commentarium (34 Comments)

May 27 11 - 3:28pm

Ridiculous rich people doing ridiculous shit.

May 27 11 - 3:29pm

It's more horrifying that people eat so much shrink wrapped meat with zero respect for the life behind what they eat. Considering that humans have been hunter gatherers for 2+ million years, we are extremely disconnected from our food these days.

May 27 11 - 3:53pm

Humans have only existed for 200,000 yrs. Jr.

May 27 11 - 4:37pm

You're right if it's Homo sapiens. If you want to go all the way back to Australopithecine use of stone tools, it's more like 5–7 million years ago.

May 27 11 - 5:02pm

Yes, your right, but I wouldn't consider them "human."

May 27 11 - 5:41pm

There is debate on how far back we are going to consider our ancestors human among scientists but that is besides the point Jr. is trying to make.

May 27 11 - 5:50pm

@patricjames: I would. They had feet like ours, walked upright, had opposable thumbs, used tools, etc.

May 27 11 - 6:31pm

Yes, it is besides the point, but I wouldn't consider anything with a brain size 1000 cc smaller than a modern human... human.

May 27 11 - 6:49pm

Haha... Well, as with some other things, I think it might be less about size and more about what you can actually do with it.

May 27 11 - 7:09pm

In the scientific community I believe our closest ancestor they consider "human" would be Homo erectus -- which I think is a bit of a stretch. Neanderthals on the other hand have more evidence of having a culture, something that truly defines us as a species (Their brains were also only 50 cc less than moderns). That being said I do appreciate all of the various Australopithecines who contributed to our evolution. And yes, we should have more respect for where our food comes from.

May 29 11 - 4:28pm

Most boring comment argument on Hooksexup ever.

Jun 03 11 - 10:56pm

Because you're THAT interesting... Thanks for your tremendous contribution.

May 27 11 - 3:42pm

well all things considered, what mark is doing what's natural...and a hell of a lot healthier than what the rest of us least he knows that the chicken he killed lived a good life and died fast.At least he's n0t eating foie gras

May 27 11 - 8:22pm
Eat The Rich

It's not natural to boil a lobster alive - it's sadistic. And I personally know chefs who feel exactly the same way.

May 28 11 - 11:55am

Where exactly did you read that he's boiling lobsters alive?

May 28 11 - 12:00pm

Who said anything about boiling lobsters alive? Neither the above article, the linked article, nor the commenter you were replying to mentioned Zuckerberg using that particular method to dispatch his lobster.

Jun 01 11 - 9:29pm

Boiling lobster alive is the general way of cooking them. However, I believe I've read articles suggesting that lobsters' nervous systems are too primitive to feel any pain.

May 27 11 - 5:39pm

cool Mark

May 27 11 - 5:50pm
Jessica Gentile

well that explains where Tom from MySpace went...

May 27 11 - 10:52pm

DAYYYUM. Srsly though, that was very clever.

May 27 11 - 5:50pm

lots of vacuum sealed meat in his freezer, BUY A BIG FREEZER WHEN YOU WANT STEAK!

May 27 11 - 7:40pm
The Dude

Things don't look good for the Winklevoss twins...

May 28 11 - 2:35am

hahahaha good one

May 28 11 - 1:25am

Sounds normal to me, if I had the option I would do that same thing. It's not exactly practical for someone on minimum wage.

May 28 11 - 3:55pm

I'm a vegetarian on minimum wage.

May 28 11 - 11:25pm

I'm a homeless vegetarian.

May 28 11 - 3:03pm

I just want to say that I read this as "vows to only eat meat UNTIL he kills himself."

as in taking one for the team.

May 28 11 - 7:52pm
Sexy Minx

I think I can translate this: by "Eat" he means "Swallow". By "Meat" he means "Cock", and by "Kills" he means "Pays Cash".

May 28 11 - 9:54pm
P. Diddy_faggot69

Cleverest man in the world.

May 29 11 - 11:05pm

So clever he thought of this only decades after the nuge ran into forests with his bow and arrow.

May 30 11 - 1:45pm

lol, that dude really is full of himself isnt he?

Jun 01 11 - 10:01am

Good for him! Imagine if we all embraced higher consciousness & responsibility around the food that we eat & the impact it creates...what a different world we would live in!

Sep 23 11 - 4:07pm

Does he think we are a bunch of zuckers?

Killing his own meat?

* yes I'll have a big Mack meal please.....hold the meat patty and use this racoon I ran over earlier.

Least least he doesn't try to make his own museli......

Nobody likes a cereal killer.

Sep 23 11 - 4:24pm

I see a problem.

If we all converted from cash and carry to run into the forest and kill something, we're gonna have to make storyline changes to a few fairytale scripts like.....the three little pigs.....animal farm.....Brer rabbit etc....oh, the carnage out there.

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