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Brian Williams interviews Marcel the Shell With Shoes On

Marcel the Shell

This week, Brian Williams sat down with his smallest, cutest interview subject to date: Marcel the Shell With Shoes On. In case you were wondering, it was goddamn precious.

Williams pays a visit to Marcel's "parents," Jenny Slate and Dean Fleischer-Camp, in their Brooklyn apartment, which was also the set for Marcel's debut video. The couple created the little guy after Slate left Saturday Night Live in the wake of her accidental f-bomb scandal. Thanks to his success — Marcel's first video has over fourteen million views and a Marcel book is on the way — Slate has replaced her previous title of "SNL cusser" with "Heartwarming shell creator.™"

Marcel's actual words are brief, but he of course steals the show. When Williams asks him if having one eye has affected him in any way, he replies, "Has having one nose affected you in any way, Brian?" Williams concedes, since he can't argue with a "straight shooter" like this one, and totally breaks when Marcel lets out a little laugh.

If this is a sign of things to come on Williams' show, Rock Center, sign me up for a TiVo season pass now please.


Commentarium (1 Comment)

Dec 13 11 - 11:16pm
Why is SNL still...

around? They obviously don't know anything about talent, potential, or comedy. Would someone please take SNL off the air!!!

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