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Ted Williams singing homeless man

A new viral video star has been born: Ted Williams, a Brooklyn native who panhandles by the side of Interstate 71 in Columbus, Ohio, was interviewed by a reporter from the Columbus Dispatch recently, and a future member of the Meme Team revealed himself to us. Imagine a down-on-his-luck Jimi Hendrix with the golden-throated assurance of your local quiet storm radio DJ. That's Ted Williams. 

Where you would anticipate a raspy bark, Mr. Williams is possessed of a set of pipes that seem destined for radio stardom. And his prayers may have been answered. Hosts of the local radio morning show "Dave & Jimmy" bantered about Williams during Tuesday's show, and even lined up an interview with him on today's show. The Dave & Jimmy Facebook page even vowed, "We're going to find some way to help this guy!"

I'm about twenty viewings deep so far, where I'm trying to detect songs from passing cars and varying wind patterns, and wondering about the "inadvertant" ad for the Lowe's home-improvement store behind Mr. Williams' right shoulder, stage left. I don't recommend it. Update: the NBA's Cleveland Cavaliers have offered Mr. Williams full-time voiceover work, and a house whose mortgage they will pay. Nice.

Commentarium (11 Comments)

Jan 05 11 - 2:05pm

Great to hear that he got an awesome gig, and someone to look out for him. And what a voice!

Jan 05 11 - 2:36pm

I can't stop listening to that beginning part. He's incredible, the Cavs got a great deal.

Jan 05 11 - 4:06pm

I can't believe how far that great baseball legend Ted Williams has fallen.

Jan 05 11 - 5:23pm

What a great story! :)

Jan 05 11 - 8:03pm

Wow I live in Columbus and drive past that exit every day! I will have to stop by and see him! haha

Jan 05 11 - 11:48pm

Great voice, great writing by Jeff and a little bit of eye candy also.

Jan 06 11 - 11:42am

Too late JM - He was on the Today show this morning. Find the clip - it's a great story. :)

Jan 06 11 - 2:04pm

His head doesn't look frozen to me.

Nov 20 11 - 8:12pm

Now we know who the senislbe one is here. Great post!

Nov 21 11 - 3:09pm

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